
MSC Apex Grizzly V2017-LND

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MSC软件公司宣布发行新版MSC Apex软件,即该公司屡获殊荣的下一代计算机辅助工程(CAE)平台。


伴随最新版本Grizzly的发布,MSC Apex提供了独特的解决方案,在集成和衍生性的工作流程中加快建模和验证任务,从而在设计中快速迭代以验证大型装配件的刚度、强度和稳定性。MSC Apex的产品经理Jeancolas说,“MSC Apex Grizzly让我们得以见证beta测试者在一天内就可建立和验证上千个零部件的设计。” Apex Grizzly将于2017年6月上市。

建模效率 – 新版本引入新的几何清理和删除特征工具以减少手动修改,并允许用户自动处理模型制备任务。实施全新的粘接和绑定连接可加速装配体的构建(从几小时到几分钟),并允许用户在保持产品结构的同时,使用基于连接的网格构建大型装配体。

完整的结构分析 – 新版本具备支持多事件屈曲分析的能力,其允许用户管理多个载荷工况。Grizzly通过集成快速傅里叶变换具备了全新的动态能力,其允许用户输入随时间变化的动态数据。最后,通过对截面力和连接力的处理使得结果处理能力得到了增强,可以支持对加载路径的分析。

集成性和衍生性 –除了建模的高效性和结构分析的完整性,在Grizzly中,MSC Apex仍继续构建其集成性和衍生性的框架,其利用全新的分析准备工具和用户体验,用于分析场景的设置、模型验证、仿真运算,这些对于增量式验证,和对不同的设计方案进行快速迭代计算都是有利的。 MSC Apex Grizzly还具有宏录制/重放功能,以帮助用户开发Python脚本,从而使几何建模、网格划分和场景设置任务自动化。

MSC Apex Grizzly V2017-LND | 1.24G

Structures such as large cranes, ship hulls, or shipyard ramps are typically massive assemblies often including 1000s of parts welded together and present unique challenges to finite element modeling, model validation, and simulation. Due to the sheer number of parts, users need weeks to months to build finite element models (if at all possible), and often struggle to run simulation for more than a few design iterations. As a result, engineers often rely on more approximate methods to evaluate these large fabricated structures.

With its latest release, Grizzly, MSC Apex delivers a unique solution to expedite modeling and validation tasks in an integrated and generative workflow for rapidly iterating on the design to validate stiffness, strength, and stability of large assemblies. “With MSC Apex Grizzly we have seen our Beta testers build and validate designs of 1000s of parts in a day”, said Hugues Jeancolas, MSC Apex Sr. Product Manager. Apex Grizzly will be available in June 2017.

Modeling productivity – The release introduces new geometry clean-up and de-featuring tool to eliminate manual rework and allow the user to automate model preparation tasks. A new implementation of glue and tie connections speeds-up assembly creation from hours to minutes, and allows users to create large assemblies of parts using mesh dependent connections while preserving the product structure.

Complete structural analysis – The release expends on the application structural analysis capabilities with support for multi-events buckling analysis allowing the user to manage multiple load cases. Grizzly also features new dynamics capabilities with integrated Fast Fourier Transform allowing users to enter time dependent dynamic data. Finally, results processing has been enhanced with section and connection forces processing to support load path analysis.

Integrated and Generative – Beyond modeling productivity and structural analysis completeness, with Grizzly, MSC Apex continues to build on its integrated and generative framework with brand new analysis readiness remedy tools and user experience for scenario set-up, model validation, and simulation execution which facilitated incremental validation, and rapidly iterating on design alternatives.

MSC Apex Grizzly also features a Macro record/replay capability to help users develop python scripts to automate geometry modeling, meshing and scenario set-up tasks.

Size: 1.24 GB

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