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《赦免者》(Absolver)是由Sloclap制作,Devolver Digital发行的一款在线战斗类型RPG游戏,在《赦免者》中玩家在废弃的Adal 帝国醒来、脸上被戴上一个神秘的面具,模糊的记忆告诉自己曾进行了一场神圣的宣誓仪式,并选择加入为维护世界稳定的精英军团“赦免者”。

在Adal 帝国新制度与Guides的监控下,玩家要在废弃的土地上游荡与其他先知学习这个世界的事物,最终目标是要成为“赦免者”的一员。接下来的挑战将考验着玩家是否具备成为“赦免者”的资格,过程中玩家要陆续学习新的战斗技巧,并获得更好的武器、装备等,而玩家将可组合自己的作战风格。游戏拥有PVE内容可以让玩家组队进入Adal矿山副本,或是玩家也可以在PVP竞技场展现个人的战斗技巧。

In the ruins of the fallen Adal Empire, you awaken with a mysterious mask on your face, and faint recollections of an esoteric ceremony. Freeing you from hunger, thirst, and even death, the mask is the creation of the Guides, the rulers of these lands, who have placed you here to determine whether you are worthy of becoming part of the elite corps of Absolvers. As you wander these forsaken lands, encountering other Prospects like you, you will learn new combat styles, acquire weapons, gear and armor, and build a team of warriors with whom to fight side by side in Arenas of combat.

The development team at Sloclap is dedicated to improving and expanding Absolver based on community feedback once the game is live. In the coming weeks and months, Prospects can expect regular updates to the game to fix any issues that appear, as well as both minor and major content updates. These updates already include 3v3 Game Mode and a Spectator Mode soon after launch, but many more updates can be expected, from new combat styles and moves to new powers and equipment. Please follow updates here and on absolver.com or @Absolver on Twitter for the latest.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: Sloclap
Publisher: Devolver Digital

Release name: Absolver-Razor1911
Size 4.12GB
Links: Steam

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