
Mediafour MacDrive Pro

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MacDrive Pro是一个可以让PC机在Windows环境下读取Mac磁盘格式(HFS+分区)的软件,最新版本已经支持了Windows 8操作系统!MacDrive是一个可以将 Mac OS 与 Windows 文件共享的软件.支持WindowsME/98/95/NT/4.0/2000/XP 与 Mac 系统文件交换 , 包括软盘、Zip、Jaz、CD-ROM、CD-R 以及硬盘驱动器等 . 可以通过该软件从Windows 直接访问 Mac 磁盘 . 打开、编辑、保存、复制文件,还支持在 Windows 下格式化 Mac 磁盘等 .非常有有用的东西,用来在Win系统下研究Mac ( 比如精简原版 ) , 真是太方便了

Mediafour MacDrive Pro

File size: 14.2 MB
MacDrive Pro is an application designed to bridge the communication gap between your PC and a Mac disk. It enables you to freely access Mac discs from Windows Explorer just like you browse any drive on your computer. This way, you are able to open and modify the files on those disks and save them just as well. Moreover, you can use the application to create new disks, as well as to repair damaged ones.

Simple and easy to use, MacDrive is recognized as the leader for accessing Mac disks from Windows for almost 20 years.
Once you plug in your Mac disk, behind the scenes MacDrive works to seamlessly enable Windows understand HFS+ disks and allow you to read and write to the disk. There is nothing to launch or learn, MacDrive makes Mac disks look and act just like any other disk on your PC.
mdiconMacDrive also includes powerful features that enable you to create and partition Mac disks direct from your PC. And in the event that your Mac disks is having a problem, our robust repair feature can fix basic disk issues. From floppies to hard drives, MacDrive can handle almost any disk you toss at it.
Just as important as access your data is protecting it. Since 1996 we’ve built a reputation on being a rock solid cross-platform utility. And we take the mission seriously. Unlike other software companies, our job doesn’t end when you purchase. MacDrive includes FREE tech support and some of the fastest response times to phone and email support questions in the industry.
And we stand behind our software, if MacDrive doesn’t perform as promised, we offer a 30-day money back guarantee.

Plug a Mac disk into PC
MacDrive works with almost any type of disk including internal and external hard drives, CDs, DVDs, flash drives and more.

Open your Mac disk
You don’t need to run MacDrive, Mac disks will appear like PC disks. You can access Mac disks from the desktop or your favorite software.

Cross-platform Peace
MacDrive makes your PC smarter giving you the ability read and write to Mac disks. MacDrive creates peace between the platforms.

Whats New:
* Fixed: MacDrive might need reactivation after some days of inactivity
* Fixed: Automatic activation isn’t working


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