
RecFusion Pro 2.2.0 x64

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一款功能强大的3D模型创建工具,支持使用多种深度传感器,如Microsoft Kinect或Asus Xtion Pro Live。 RecFusion Pro的多传感器支持允许同时使用多个传感器进行校准和扫描,通过该软件可以帮助用户快捷的完成三维模型物品建立,能够快速创建人,宠物,家具等许多其他物体的3D模型,所有你需要的是像Microsoft Kinect或华硕Xtion这样的深度传感器。软件的使用界面相当的整洁直观,无需进行多余的操作即可快捷的完成对相关模型的制作设计,只需将传感器移动到物体周围,即可在屏幕上实时和彩色地看到建立的模型,而且还可以对颜色进行设置,对深度等调整,并且也只是对局部进行显示,这样可以对工作的效率进行提高,软件同时使用内置的后期处理功能为3D打印模型做准备,并将模型发布到网络上以向朋友展示。

File size: 96.1 MB

With RecFusion you can create 3D models of people, pets, furniture and many other objects, even your motorcycle! All you need is a depth-sensor like the Microsoft Kinect or the Asus Xtion. Just move the sensor around the object and you can see the model building up on your screen in real-time and in color. Use the built-in post-processing functions to prepare your models for 3D printing and publish your models on the web to show them to your friends.

Real-time reconstruction
Reconstruct objects interactively in real-time. See how the 3D model builds up on your screen and adjust the camera movement to get the best result.

High-quality texture map
Apply texture mapping from acquired keyframes to create more photo-realistic meshes

Record sequences
Record the depth and color data for later viewing and reconstruction. This allows you to try different reconstruction settings on the same sequence to obtain the best result. You can also record and reconstruct simultaneously.

Support of multiple depth sensors
Azure Kinect
Intel RealSense D415, D435, D435i, SR305, SR300
Orbbec Astra, Astra S, Astra mini, Astra mini S
PrimeSense depth sensors
Kinect v1 (Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect)
Asus Xtion Pro Live
Sensor Settings
Adjust sensor settings to achieve the best possible results

Use of the full color sensor resolution yielding high quality colors
Support for disabling auto-exposure and setting manual exposure and white balance for sensors supporting this to improve surface color consistency
Mesh post-processing
Clean up the reconstructed 3D model using the built-in post-processing tools.

Close holes in the mesh to make it suitable for 3D printing
Smooth the mesh and reduce the number of triangles
Remove unwanted geometry by removing small connected components or cropping the mesh
Add socket to reconstruction for easier 3D printing
Specify size of exported mesh
Create hollow mesh for less material use when 3D printing
View the keyframes used for texturing as overlays on top of the mesh

Minimum system requirements
Windows 10
2 GHz multi-core CPU or faster
Mid-range or higher NVIDIA or AMD GPU with 2 GB of graphics memory


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