
GuitarZoom Rock Licks Limited Edition with Steve Stine 2021 TUTORiAL

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GuitarZoom Rock Licks Limited Edition with Steve Stine 2021 TUTORiAL screenshotP2P | 12 September 2021 | 10.36 GB

What You’ll Learn…

• How to tune your guitar the fast and easy way, so you can always sound your best when you play. (HINT: Being in tune is CRUCIAL.)
• 3 essential soloing skills every guitarist MUST know: hammer-ons, pull-offs, and trills. And how to perform them the “right” way, so your solos sound authentic from beginning to end.
• How to perform a variety of string bends, like anchor bends, unison bends, and “blues” bends. And discover how David Gilmour made his guitar “sing” with string bends.
• How to create sweet-sounding vibrato and use it with any lick. So you can add a more “vocal” sound to your licks and solos.

The licks get gradually more challenging as you move along. But Steve will take it nice and slow in this first module. So you’ll have a strong foundation for every lick you learn in the course.

You’ll also start playing these licks over the jam tracks. And Steve will show you how to match them with the rhythm track to make sure you’re playing in the right key.

This is called “transposition.” And this is one the most important skills you can have as a guitarist.

Transposition is just a big, fancy word that means to change keys.

For example, let’s say you learn this lick in the key of A minor. But the song you want to solo over is in the key of G minor.

Well, you can’t play an A minor lick over a G minor song, or it’s going to sound like a train-wreck.

You’ll need to transpose the lick. So you’d move everything down two frets, which is a whole-step.

That’s called transposition. Just moving from one place to another so the lick matches the key of the song.

And here’s the amazing part…

There are twelve different keys.

Once you learn all 34 licks in the course and you understand how to transpose them…

You’ll be able to play 948 rock licks in twelve different keys.

Now, let me say that again, just in case you dozed off…

You’re going to learn 34 rock licks in this course, right? And you’ll learn how to transpose them to all 12 possible keys for any song.

So, 34 licks X 12 keys equals 408 possible rock licks to use in your solos.

Pretty cool, right?

Module 2

• Advanced bending techniques such as harmony bends, reverse bends and double stops. So you can add serious flavor and “twang” to your licks and take your solos to a whole new level.
• How to add chromatic notes to major pentatonic licks. So you can create dynamic rock licks that sound amazing.
• How to cross strings effectively and smoothly. Which means, you’ll play killer rock licks across multiple strings with confidence and precision.

Module 3

• 1 simple trick called “chord chasing.” And how you can use it to solo over ANY chord progression.
• A smokin’ hot lick in the style of Jimi Hendrix. And how to use this legendary rock guitar player’s secrets in your own playing.
• Essential ways to end your solos so you can play a complete rock song from beginning to end.
• Discover how finding the “root” note lets you play the same lick in any position. So you can solo with complete freedom… and confidence.
And you’ll supercharge your rock skills by learning….
• Proper bending using two and three fingers
• The right and wrong way move through scale-patterns
• How to play the same lick in different octaves
• How to play a lick vertically and horizontally
• And how to use articulation to completely change the sound of lick
But don’t worry. Because you’ll have the complete, note-for-note tab transcription. And you can pause the video anytime you want so you can go at your own pace.

Plus you’ll be able to see exactly where to place your fingers because all the video was recorded was two cameras, so there’s plenty of fretboard close-ups.

You’ll explore licks that use the:
• 7-note major and minor scales (sometimes called “diatonic”)
• The pentatonic major and minor
• The blues scale
• Hybrid scales
• And the Dorian mode
And you’ll learn simple ways to combine licks using all these scale-patterns, so you’ll have complete freedom in your solos.
• You’ll also learn how to plan your solo from start-to-finish
• How to be more expressive in your playing
• How to avoid having your solo sound like a scale
• And how to modify the licks to match the feel of a song…
For example, you might slow down a lick if you’re playing over a slow, ballad.

And you’d play the exact lick in a completely different way if it’s a fast-paced, rock tune.

You’ll learn:
• Alternate picking patterns
• How to substitute the Dorian mode for the minor scale
• How to use “blue notes” to give your solos a bluesy-feel
• 3-note per string licks
• How to use chromatic notes to jazz-up your leads
And you’ll finish up with few advanced lead-techniques like…
• Pinch-harmonics
• Pick-slides
• Two-string hammer-ons and pull-offs
• And a few other goodies that you’ll have to see to believe…


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