
Comfy Photo Recovery 5.9 Multilingual

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Comfy Photo Recovery是一款数字图像文件恢复软件。对于那些不小心删除珍贵相片和图像资料的网友来讲是一个很痛苦的事情,有了它就像给了您一颗后悔药,Comfy Photo Recovery可以快速帮您恢复删除的相片和图像文件。能够从存储卡, USB闪存驱动器,硬盘或可移动驱动器恢复被删除的数字图像文件。该软件恢复由于被删除后,病毒攻击,在相机的电源故障等,文件复制和名称重复重写,逻辑分区和格式化或删除丢失的照片 。程序恢复已删除的照片非常简单。

File size: 14 MB
Recover digital images using the Comfy Photo Recovery program. The program recovers not only accidentally deleted photo files, but also images that were lost after formatting the hard drive, memory cards, or USB flash drive. The program’s “Search for partitions” function lets you find and continue recovering digital images from the partition that was deleted. Comfy Photo Recovery is extremely simple to use, with an interface that was developed in the form of a step-by-step wizard that offers to fill in the parameters required for recovery.

While working, Comfy Photo Recovery only reads the drive data. The program does not save anything to the drive and does not zap your deleted files. The utility lets you create a virtual copy of the logical partition or physical information carrier to restore the information later. This function significantly decreases the chance of harming the data that is on the corrupted (“hit”) drive.

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