
BETA CAE Systems 20.1.6

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BETA CAE Systems 20.1.0BETA CAE Systems 20 新版正式发布!

BETA CAE Systems S.A公司总部位地希腊的赛萨罗尼奇市(Thessaloniki),是世界领先的软件工程公司之一,一直以来,致力于开发高性能的有限元分析前处理和后处理应用软件,在有限元前后处理软件的研究开发方面具有丰富的经验,其软件产品和技术服务始终站在世界最前沿,公司始终以为客户开发高效、实用的工程解决方案为己任,在工程技术创新方面不断获得客户的赞誉。BETA公司的主打产品ANSA的销售和技术服务遍及欧洲、美洲、大洋洲和亚洲。多年来,他们在CAE前后处理方面树立了一面旗帜,其软件产品已经被广泛应用于几乎所有的工业科技术领域。BETA公司分布在全球的专家精诚合作,利用独一无二的经验交流机制为客户创造解决方案,从而为客户极大地改进工程产品的设计水平和质量、节约了成本。ANSA产品集成了多年来公司专家解决工程实际问题中积累的经验,是高效实用的工程设计工具,它可以为客户提供更加精确和成熟的解决方案,可以完全满足客户独特的需要。ANSA在汽车、铁路、航空、国防工业、赛车、化学工业以及高等院校方面的应用更是居世界领先地位。在大量的独立公正的第三方标准测试中,ANSA被公认为是目前最快捷的有限元前处理软件,同时也是真正能处理复杂建模任务的工具。由于BETA CAE公司不断的概念创新与发展完善,使得ANSA具有方便快捷的速度、无以伦比的性能。通过不断的技术革新,ANSA已经在有限元前处理领域处于领导地位达数十年之久。

BETA CAE Systems 20.x | 2.0 Gb

BETA CAE Systems has issued version 20.1.0 of the ANSA/EPILYSIS/META software suite. The 20.1.0 release features more efficient process streamline and acceleration, as it includes noteworthy enhancements in the recently introduced functionality of v20x series, coupled with new features.

New Tools & Highlights

ANSA 20.1.0 expands the already introduced Standard Parts Library concept, embracing the notion of Fasteners’ automatic recognition, handling and modeling through Features Manager.

Version 20.1.0 invites you to delve further into the core of BETA products by introducing new features , such as the User Defined Quality Criteria, and the enrichment of the Virtual Reality implementation with Morphing and Optimization functionality.

EPILYSIS, comes with extended functionality for SOL200 Multidisciplinary Optimization. It expands Topology Optimization capabilities with MAC-based mode-tracking, as well as Density Filtering Method and Maximum Member Size (TVMAX).

Further enhancing interoperability and interaction with other simulation software, ANSA users can now create various representations of Reduced Order Models from large scale FEM models, using EPILYSIS (or META), and then export them for use in third-party multi-body dynamics and control system software.

META focuses on the Graphics area, providing enhancements in visualization, and in speed performance. The new version augments the virtual reality experience via new features, such as Voice Commands, and upgrades in existing features related to model manipulation and handling, such as Explode and Teleport.

Noteworthy performance improvement in METADB files and dedicated toolbars for NVH analysis are amongst the new tools and features that add value to our post-processing solutions. Same time, new classes supplement the creation, modification and deletion of data from Report and Spreadsheets. Coupled with a new META script API, these developments offer less memory consumption and faster execution.

Following its distribution as a stand-alone application, this version, amongst other developments, brings a new layout to display DM relationships increasing efficiency in core operations, and performance in all user scenarios.

The introduction of Python support in RETOMO enables the acceleration of image and mesh processing actions, and makes possible the training and application of artificial intelligence via a Python script.

The performance improvement for large projects, as part image manipulation and loading of large meshes, takes place much faster.

BETA delivers a portfolio that is relevant to the engineers’ problems and enables accelerated performance and quality improvement, from the individual user, up to a corporate level.

As products today become more complex with more variations and advanced performance requirements, organizations strive to meet market demand for quality and improve the effectiveness of their processes. In these efforts, they employ engineering simulation more and more, making it a central point in product design and development to reduce time to market, increase product quality, and understand better the behavior of the numerous product designs.

New developments and capabilities in engineering simulation promise not only to tackle existing industry requirements and bottlenecks but also form the building blocks for new concepts that will speed up the evolution of current processes in product design and development. However, to do so these new solutions and developments must be relevant to current engineering problems and requirements while avoid adding further complexity.

To develop such solutions, simulation software providers should be aligned with customers and work closely with them to give answers to their needs beyond buzzwords. In this notion, and in partnership and continuous dialogue with the engineering world, BETA delivers a portfolio that is relevant to the engineers’ problems and enables accelerated performance and quality improvement, from the individual user, up to a corporate level.

The advanced Simulation Data and Process management with KOMVOS and SPDRM, the versatile and powerful modeling with ANSA, the engagement of the freshly developed solver EPILYSIS, and the high-performance post-processing and visualization with META, have become the trusted core of simulation by the most demanding sectors.

New software products, enhance further the engineering simulation capabilities focusing on taking collaboration amongst global teams to new levels and streamlining product design from early stages. NEERE, the new collaboration platform offers all the typical communication means and augments teamwork further with Virtual Reality rooms and the capability for engineers to work remotely together on their models. The also new, OpDesign revolutionizes the product design and development process through a holistic, performance-driven method.

The BETA portfolio offers a platform for engineers to move into the new age of simulation by transforming the way they face their challenges. Because, after all, it is their challenges that drive evolution.

BETA CAE Systems is a private engineering software company committed to the development of state of the art CAE software systems that meet the requirements of all simulation disciplines. The company’s products, the ANSA pre-processor/ EPILYSIS solver and META post-processor suite, and SPDRM, the simulation-process-data-and-resources manager, hold a worldwide leading position across a range of industries, including the automotive, railway vehicles, aerospace, motorsports, chemical processes engineering, energy, electronics, heavy machinery, power tools, and biomechanics.

Product: BETA CAE Systems
Version: 20.x
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.beta-cae.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 2.0 Gb


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