
Dassault Systemes Dymola 2023

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Dassault Systemes Dymola 2023

Dymola是法国Dassault Systemes公司的多学科系统建模仿真工具,广泛应用于汽车、航空、航天、能源等行业系统的功能验证和硬件在环仿真。FMI是独立于建模软件的标准接口协议,可用于集成不同软件建立的、不同详细程度的模型,进行MIL、SIL和HIL仿真。


Dymola中的模型库包括Modelica基础库和商业库。Modelica基础库与Modelica协会发布的最新版本保持同步,为客户提供Modelcia协会在机械、流体、电子电气、电磁、控制、传热等多个工程领域的最新研究成果。商业库方面,Dymola与全球范围内各领域的领军企业和研究所合作,包括Modelon、DLR、Claytex、arsenal research等,为客户提供具有国际领先水平的专业模型库,涵盖空调、蒸汽循环、换热器、液冷、电力、液压、气动、智能电机驱动、发动机、传动系、车辆动力学、柔性体、飞机燃油及环控、飞控、燃料电池、火电、水电、风电等领域,为产品研发提供全面、有力的支撑。此外,Dymola还提供了模型标定、模型管理、优化设计等功能模块,使基于实验数据的建模和验证更为便捷。

Dassault Systemes Dymola 2023 | 1.0 Gb

Dassault Systèmes has introduced Dymola 2023 is a complete tool for modeling and simulation of integrated and complex systems for use within automotive, aerospace, robotics, process and other applications.

Dymola 2023 what’s new – Date: May 13, 2022.

Simulation Analysis in Dymola 2023 has been extended with detailed timer statistics, helping to pinpoint any bottlenecks in your simulation. It offers two views, both detailing execution time in seconds as well as the number of calls. Hotspots are highlighted in red. The first view groups the simulation code into logical sections. The second view shows individual function calls, and if FMUs are included in the model, it will show the distribution for each FMI-function. Dymola 2023 provides an interface for steady-state finding which allows to specify start time and detect steady-state tolerance for dynamic steady-state finding.
Code and Model Export – eFMI and SSP
Dymola supports eFMI according to the latest publicly available specification. Dymola’s eFMI facilities comprise generation of eFMUs with Algorithm Code, Production Code and Binary Code containers and supports the usage of generated eFMUs for co-simulation from within Modelica models. A Dymola Source Code Export license is required to work with eFMI. Dymola 2023 has support for both import and export in the SSP format (System Structure and Parameterization). SSP export will create an SSP file with embedded FMUs for any component models. For Modelica models, the system description that contain references to the Modelica model. Meta data defined in the Modelica model will be exported as an annotation.

DYMOLA (Dynamic Modeling Laboratory)is a industry standards for the holistic model-based simulation of physical systems of all disciplines such as mechanics, electrical engineering and electronics, thermodynamics, hydraulics, pneumatics, control engineering and process technology.

Simulation as an interdisciplinary, integrated development tool was established in order to better control the complexity of modern products and projects. This involves the closed modeling of physical and logical features of products to be developed. The simulation serves to examine and optimize the product model in terms of the required features. This ultimately creates better products with considerably shorter development times and with fewer real prototypes and testing outlay.

Dassault Systèmes, the 3DEXPERIENCE Company, provides business and people with virtual universes to imagine sustainable innovations. Its world-leading solutions transform the way products are designed, produced, and supported. Dassault Systèmes’ collaborative solutions foster social innovation, expanding possibilities for the virtual world to improve the real world. The group brings value to over 250, 000 customers of all sizes, in all industries, in more than 140 countries.

Product: Dassault Systemes Dymola
Version: 2023
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.3ds.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 1.0 Gb



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