
VovSoft Text Statistics Analyzer 3.1

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VovSoft Text Statistics Analyzer 2.3一款用于生成任何文本的快速统计信息的实用工具。可分析并生成字符、单词和行的统计信息。您还可将数据导出到csv文件中以供进一步分析。

File size: 6.5 MB

Analyze statistics on your character, word, and line frequency with the help of this lightweight software utility that could prove quite handy in linguistics studies. The GUI packs two main buttons, one allowing you to load your text from a file, with the other initiating the analysis itself. However, you can also simply paste your text in the main window, take a look at it and even make modifications if you consider them necessary.

As for the statistics the software utility provides you with, they are offered in a new window that is organized into several tabs. The General section informs you about the total number of characters, words, and lines, as well as how many unique elements were employed in your text. Whats more, character, word, and line frequency can be interpreted as well, with each item being associated with details regarding the number of instances it appeared in your text. Besides, the frequency is also expressed in percentage points in order to have an overview of your linguistic habits.

Plus, in case you consider it is more comfortable to explore the results of your quest in a CSV file, you can do that as well, with a button at the bottom of this second window allowing you to export all the data.

Whats New:
Hebrew words are now recognizable


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