AceReader Elite让你加倍你的阅读速度。它一直是行业的领导者超过十年。
证明:导读作为首选方案,并成功地被用于数百个学习中心(全球)后,美国空军学院,参谋长联席会议在五角大楼加上成千上万的个人, K-12学校,学院和大学。
双重目的:该程序允许您从文件和从剪切板加载文本(即Web页面,电子邮件, PDF档案等。 doc文件… ) ,让你培养你需要的东西阅读材料。
获奖: AceReader已经赢得了50个奖项和荣誉,包括额定赢家了所有的获奖者由“技术和学习。 ”
AceReader Elite 10x | 48.8 MB
AceReader Elite includes Tests, Drills, and Games designed to assess and improve your reading skills. The program allows you to have the level of control that suits your needs. It includes three methods of operation: Course Mode, Menu Mode, and Reading Mode. The Course Mode leads you through a self-adjusting and personalized training process. The Menu Mode lets you pick-and-choose from a menu list of training activities. The Reading Mode allows you to have full control by letting you load your own material from the clipboard or documents (i.e. Web pages, e-mails, .pdf files, .doc files) and letting you manually set the display modes and speed settings. With the Reading Mode you can train with material that you needed to read anyway. Since the Reading Mode has so much flexibility with how it can present text, many people use this part of the program as a productivity tool to help them get through reading material more efficiently while on the computer.
New 2014 Features: Includes 625 eBooks, video tutorials and text-to-speech capabilities.
AceReader is rated #1 by speed reading experts and reading instructors. It’s used by thousands of individual consumers, schools, learning centers and military institutions. Our product along with our top rated support makes AceReader Elite your number one choice. Satisfaction is guaranteed.
A few reasons why individual consumers and educators choose AceReader:
The only program that uses time-tested, patented and research-based technology that has a 15-year proven track record. Sophisticated yet fun and very simple to use.
We provide a satisfaction guarantee along with excellent support. We are known for our rapid and high quality support. Call or email any time.
Includes more leveled and themed material than any other product. Themes include: American History, Earth & Space Science, Famous People, Fun Facts and SAT/ACT Prep. Get smarter while you learn to be an efficient reader. 13 levels of text make it ideal for all ages.
Includes the most advanced eReader available. You can train with material you need to read anyway (i.e. eBooks, documents, web pages, email…). With the web, thousands of eBooks are only a few clicks away.
No product in its class has won more awards. We have won prestigious education awards from Technology & Learning, BESSIE and EDDIE for innovation and educational excellence.
We don’t make wild claims, but we do guarantee that you will improve your reading speed and comprehension. It varies for each individual, but doubling and tripling speeds is not uncommon. The improvement you make will be well worth your investment.
Satisfying and serving Individuals, Educational Institutions, Business and the Military for over 15 years. A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and TrustLink member.

OS : Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 200X
Language : English
Home Page – http://www.acereader.com
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