
JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.4 Ultimate Edition IDE开发平台

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IntelliJ IDEA 是一种商业化销售的Java集成开发环境(Integrated Development Environment,IDE)工具软件,由捷克软件公司JetBrains在2001年1 月时推出最初版。

IntelliJ IDEA 被认为是当前Java开发效率最快的IDE工具。它整合了开发过程中实用的众多功能,几乎可以不用鼠标可以方便的完成你要做的任何事情,最大程度的加快开发的速度。简单而又功能强大。与其他的一些繁冗而复杂的IDE工具有鲜明的对比。

IntelliJ IDEA 特色:
1. 智能的选取。在很多时候我们要选取某个方法,或某个循环或想一步一步从一个变量到整个类慢慢扩充着选取,IDEA就提供这种基于语法的选择,在默认设置中Ctrl+w,可以实现选取范围的不断扩充,这种方式在重构的时候尤其显得方便。

2. 丰富的导航模式。IDEA提供了丰富的导航查看模式,例如ctrl+e显示最近打开过的文件,ctrl+n 显示你希望显示的类名查找框(该框同样有智能补充功能,当你输入字母后IDEA将显示所有候选类名)。在最基本的project试图中,你还可以选择多种的试图方式。

3. 历史记录功能。不用通过版本管理服务器,单纯的IDEA就可以查看任何工程中文件的历史记录,但版本恢复时你可以很容易的将其恢复。

4. JUnit的完美支持。

5. 对重构的优越支持。IDEA是所有IDE中最早支持重构的,其优秀的重构能力一直是其主要卖点之一。

6. 编码辅助。java规范中提倡的tostring(),hashcode(),equals(),以及所有的get/set方法,你可以不用进行任何的输入就可以实现代码的自动生成,从而把你从无聊的基本方法编码中解放出来。

7. 灵活的排版功能。基本所有的IDE都有重排版功能,但仅有IDEA的是人性的,因为她支持排版模式的定制,你可以根据不同的项目要求采用不同的排版方式。

8. XML的完美支持。

9. 简洁易用的GUI界面。

10. 与文件系统自动同步。当你最小化IDEA,直接对文件进行编辑之后,重新打开IDEA后IDEA将自动的完成文件的更新,而不用重新导入工程或刷新工程。

11. 自定义的快捷键。强大的快捷键设置,基本可以让程序员离开鼠标工作。

12. 动态语法检测。任何不符合java规范,自己预定义的规范,累赘都将在页面中加亮显示。

13. 代码检查。对代码进行自动分析,检测不符合规范的,存在风险的代码,并加亮显示。

14. 对JSP的完全支持。不需要任何的插件,完全支持JSP。

15. 智能编辑。代码输入过程中,自动补充方法或类。

16. EJB支持。不需要任何插件完全支持EJB(6.0 支持ejb3.0)

17. 列编辑模式。用过UtralEdit的肯定对其的列编辑模式赞赏不已,因为她减少了很多很多的无聊重复工作,而IDEA完全支持该模式,从而更加提高了编码效率。

18. 智能模板。预置模板可以让你把经常用到的方法编辑进模板,使用时你只用输入简单的几个字母就可以完成全部代码的编写。例如使用比较高的public static void main(String[] args){}你可以在模板中预设pm为该方法,输入时你只要输入pm再按代码辅助键,IDEA将完成代码的自动输入。

19. 完美的自动代码完成。智能检查类中方法,当发现方法名只有一个时自动完成代码输入,从而减少剩下代码的编写工作。

20. Ant 支持。不需要任何的第三方插件。

21. 不使用代码检查。自动检查代码中不使用的代码,并给出提示,从而使代码更高效。

22. 智能代码。自动检查代码,发现与预置规范有出入的代码给出提示,若程序员同意修改自动完成修改。例如代码:String str = “Hello Intellij ” + “IDEA”; IDEA将给出优化提示,若程序员同意修改IDEA将自动将代码修改为:String str = “Hello Intellij IDEA”;

23. 正则表达的查找和替换功能。查找替代支持正则表达,从而提高效率。

24. JavaDoc预览支持。支持JavaDoc的预览功能,在JavaDoc代码中ctrl+q显示JavaDoc的结果,从而提高 doc文档的质量。

25. 程序员意图支持。当程序员编码时IDEA时时检测你的意图,或提供建议,或直接帮你完成代码。

Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA | 211 MB

IntelliJ IDEA – Intelligent IDE Java, focusing on developer productivity that provides a robust combination of advanced tools. A strong editor in the program, which recognizes Java, HTML / XHTML, XML / XSL, CSS, Ruby, and javascript, support structure like Rails and GWT, providing you with a good environment for coding. Regardless of what language you use, advanced security code, validation, formatting, and modeling – always in your hands.

IntelliJ IDEA Features

Productivity-Boosting Features

IntelliJ IDEA is focused on raising your productivity by providing the most intelligent code assistance for all supported languages and frameworks.
– Smart Code Completion is always aware of the context so you can code faster than ever.
– On-the-fly Code Analysis ensures code quality as you type and suggests handy quick-fixes.
– Advanced Refactorings takes care of applying complicated changes to the code safely.

Developer Tools

IntelliJ IDEA offers an amazing set of integrated tools that make development more productive.
– Database Tools including a full-featured database editor and SQL support.
– UML Designer for analysing and designing classes.
– Version Control Tools with a unified interface for Git, SVN, Mercurial and others.
– Build Tools with support for Maven, Ant, Gradle and Gant.

Agile Development

IntelliJ IDEA is an ideal IDE for agile development.
– Deploy your applications to the Clouds directly from the IDE.
– Use Task and Context Management for integration with bug trackers and context switching.

Web Development

IntelliJ IDEA offer advanced support for the most important web frameworks and standards.
– Develop easily with Spring MVC, Webflow, Play, Grails, Web Services, JSF, Struts, Flex and other frameworks.
– Includes ultimate code assistance for HTML5, CSS3, SASS, LESS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, ActonScript and other languages.

Enterprise Development

IntelliJ IDEA offers an out-of-the-box tool set for building enterprise applications.
– With support for Spring, including Data, Web Services, Security, Batch, Roo, Integration and other frameworks.
– Code assistance and deployment tools Java EE, including EJB, CDI, JPA, Hibernate and support for the most popular application servers.

Mobile Development

Developing for mobile platforms becomes incredibly easy with IntelliJ IDEA.
– Support for Android, including refactorings and handy UI designer.
– Development tools for AIR Mobile with support for Android and iOS devices.

What’s New in IntelliJ IDEA 12?


Brand New Compiler
Completely revised approach to project compilation brings enhanced performance and better user experience through much faster incremental builds and lower memory requirements for the IDE.

Fresh Look and Feel
IntelliJ IDEA 12 comes with a fresh look and feel and Darcula, a new native dark UI theme for IDE and the editor.

Java 8
Full IDE support added for the next generation of the Java platform, with code assistance for the new syntax, such as lambda expressions, method references and default methods.

Spring Ultimate
A big update of Spring Development Tools, with performance enhancements and code assistance for more Spring frameworks such as Web Flow, Integration, MVC, Security, Batch.

Play 2.0 Ultimate
Support for the latest Play 2.0 is added, with advanced code assistance, templates support, formatter, refactorings and many other features.

Better Performance
Much faster project indexing and better responsiveness of the IDE as a whole.

Android UI Designer
Full-featured UI Designer, one of the most requested features, is available now for building advanced layouts for Android mobile devices.

Home Page – http://www.jetbrains.com

JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.4 Ultimate Edition

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