PDFArea Software PDF Encrypt是PDF加密工具,专为批量加密的 PDF 文档。它支持 40 位 RC4、 128 位 RC4、 AES 128 位和 256 位 AES 加密。您可以设置密码和权限 (如禁止印刷、 禁止复制等。) 来保护您的 PDF 文档。
如果您通过设置用户密码加密的PDF文档,没有人可以打开PDF文档,除非他知道正确的密码。PDF 加密不依赖任何打印驱动程序,所以它不能在您的计算机上安装任何打印机驱动程序。
支持 40 位 RC4、 128 位 RC4、 AES 128 位和 256 位 AES 加密。
防止印刷、 复制、 提取、 更改、 编辑、 等。
PDF Encrypt is a quick and easy-to-use PDF utility that is designed to batch encrypt PDF documents. It Supports 40-bit RC4, 128-bit RC4, 128-bit AES and 256-bit AES Encryption. You may set password and permissions (such as disallow printing, disallow copying etc.) to protect your PDF documents.
If you encrypt a PDF document by setting the user password, no one can open the PDF document except he knows the correct password. PDF Encrypt doesn’t depend on any print driver so it will NOT install any print driver on your computer.
Main Features:
-Supports 40-bit RC4, 128-bit RC4, 128-bit AES and 256-bit AES Encryption.
-Supports user password and owner password.
-Prevent printing, copying, extracting, changing, editing, etc.
-Easy to use.
-Support drag and drop PDF files.
-Does NOT need Adobe Acrobat software.
-Doesn’t depend on any print driver.
-Batch processes PDF documents.
Minimum requirements:
1) Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
2) About 10 MB of disk space for installation.
What’s new in version 6.3:
– Fixed minor bugs.
– Allows users to pick 5 themes.
– Full Windows 8 support.
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