
Wolfram gridMathematica 13.3.1

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Wolfram gridMathematica 13.3.1
gridMathematica 是 Wolfram Research 公司推出的一款软件产品,它的主要特点是比该公司的主打产品Mathematica 具有更全面更强大的并行计算功能。

在 Mathematica 的基础导航,gridMathematica 增加了每次能够处理的并行进程数目。每个并行进程分配了额外的 CPU 来帮助处理每个任务。 每个标准的 Mathematica 许可证允许一次至多运行四个并行任务。通过增加正在处理的任务的数目,某些类型的问题可以用较短的时间解决。

标准 Mathematica 包含一个前端,前端提供了用户界面和控制进程(控制内核),在控制内核中,每个计算任务由至多四个进程处理。Mathematica 调用执行计算 “计算内核” 的进程. gridMathematica 允许使用额外的进程(进程内核)。

gridMathematica 有两种许可证选项可以选择。在 “gridMathematica Local” 许可证下,用户可以在单机上使用至多 8 个计算内核。 “gridMathematica Server” 选项为用户提供了在多台机器上使用至多 16 个计算内核的功能。

Mathematica 管理进程之间的通讯,比如排队、虚拟共享内存和故障恢复。

一旦用户购买了许可证,gridMathematica 可用于更大的网格系统。计算进程可以位于单个多进程机器,或者在远程网络上分配处理。可以使用 64 位平台。内核和前端使用 Mathlink 界面进行通讯,这是一种专门用于其他外部程序与 Mathematica 之间进行通讯的界面。 通讯过程通过 TCP/IP并且使用 SSH 或者 RSH 进行认证。

Wolfram gridMathematica 13.3.1 | 5.9 Gb

The Wolfram Research development team is pleased to announce the availability of gridMathematica 13.3.1. This solution allows you to use the powerful technical computing environment of Mathematica in combination with parallel computing technologies on clusters, local area networks and other multiprocessor systems to solve problems requiring complex calculations in mathematics, as well as in other areas of science, engineering and finance.

gridMathematica is an integrated extension system for increasing the power of your Mathematica licenses. gridMathematica Server gives Mathematica users a shared pool of at least sixteen additional network-enabled Mathematica computation kernels for running distributed parallel computations over multiple CPUs. There is no need to change your existing parallel code—just make gridMathematica Server available, and parallel programs can automatically use the additional CPU power. Whether you have a massive parallel task or just want a little boost, you can quickly grab some extra power when you need it.

In this video, Wolfram expert Jon McLoone gives a comprehensive overview of the new and updated technology and functionality in Version 13.3 of Wolfram Language and Mathematica. New features include LLM functions, the Wolfram Prompt Repository, new and faster neural networks, more interactive visualizations, faster and easier code compiling, new and improved math functionality, improved audio and video capabilities that make use of LLM and AI capabilities, and updated engineering modeling functions.
Founded by Stephen Wolfram in 1987, Wolfram Research is one of the world’s most respected computer, web and cloud software companies—as well as a powerhouse of scientific and technical innovation. As a pioneer in computation and computational knowledge, we have pursued a long-term vision to develop the science, technology and tools to make computation an ever-more-potent force in today’s and tomorrow’s world.

Owner: Wolfram Research
Product Name: gridMathematica
Version: 13.3.1
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.wolfram.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows, macOs & Linux *
Size: 5.9 Gb



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