
CADopia Pro 23 v22.3.1.4100 x64

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CADopia 是完美的CAD工具,工程师,建筑师,设计师,教育者和学生——几乎任何人创建或使用CAD图纸。 标准版是足够的,如果你的需求是有限的基本绘图、尺寸标注和注释。 如果你不需要高级的特性,比如VSTA(Visual Studio工具应用程序),逼真呈现,和视觉基本工具,标准版是正确的产品给你。

x64 | File Size: 309 MB

CADopia is a powerful Computer-Aided-Design software for engineers, architects, designers and drafters virtually anyone who creates, edits, or views professional drawings. CADopia 19 is available in 12 languages – Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

CADopia Professional Services can help you maximize the returns on your investment in CAD technology. CADopia provides upfront consulting services, custom application development, staff training,technical support, and project outsourcing solutions…………..

System Requirements
OS:Microsoft Windows 10, 8, 2008 server(32 bit and 64 bit).
CPU:Intel® Core™ 2 Duo or better (recommended).
Memory:4 GB or higher recommended.
Space:1 GB of free hard-disk space for installation.
GPU:High Color (16 bit) graphics card (3D graphics accelerator card recommended).
Display:1024 x 768 screen resolution.

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