
Red Giant Trapcode Suite 2024.0.1 x64

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一款强大的3D特效套装插件,作为Adobe最大的插件商Red Giant 公司在业界享有极高的盛誉,其公司出品的四大插件系统基本满足了所有挑剔的用户的需求。Trapcode Suite插件就是其出品的鼎鼎大名 Trapcode 系列,对于Trapcode系列插件,相信用过AE的朋友们一定不会陌生,业界有句戏言“无 shine 不包装”,可见 Trapcode 的普及程度。全新发布Trapcode 插件合集是专为行业标准而设计的,功能一如既往的强大,能灵活创建美丽逼真的效果。同时该套装拥有更为强大的粒子系统、三维元素以及体积灯光,让你在AE里能够随心所欲地创建理想的3D场景。

File Size: 873.2 MB

Red Giant Trapcode Suite introduces M1 support for all Trapcode tools, granting users full access to all the power and speed of Apple Silicon. Additionally, Particular gains the beloved Layer Maps capabilities from Form.

Trapcode Suite brings the power of 3D particle systems right into After Effects. Use particle emitters to create fire, water, smoke, snow and other organic visual effects, or create technological marvels and user interfaces with immortal particle grids, text and 3D forms. Combine multiple particle systems into one unified 3D space and design emitters that emit full emitters for creating visually stunning results. With GPU acceleration, Trapcode plugins help you get beautiful results fast…………….


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