
Tone Empire Neural Q v2.0.2

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Neural Q可以说是模拟仿真的未来概念型产品,这款插件捕捉并还原了著名老式德国均衡器和带Cinemag变压器的现代固态话放的动态行为和声音特质。传统的电路建模逐渐成为过去式,Neural Q采用的RNN递归神经网络技术带来的是前所未有的真实模拟仿真效果。

Neural Q V2.0可以为声音提供极其逼真的模拟质感,高频的闪烁明亮感和低频的沉重厚实,都是数字仿真均衡器难以做到的逼真。

Neural Q V2.0新功能:

  • 引入全新的AI/ML系统
  • 大大降低CPU占用率
  • 重制预设
  • 话放部分采用重复训练模型
  • 更精准地还原原始硬件
  • 可调整界面大小

File Size: 36.1 MB

Neural Q gives your music a very “analog” sounding Top-end sparkle and “heavy” bottom end seldom found in plugin equalizers.

The future of Analog Emulation is here. This plugin faithfully captures the dynamic behavior and sound of a well-known Vintage German Equalizer and a modern Solid State Pre-Amp featuring cinemag transformers.

Push the parameters to the limits and be “stunned” by the results.
Circuit Modelling is a technology of the past and can never produce as authentic an analog emulation as RNN (Recurrent Neural Networks).

What’s New in Version 2?
• Introduced a New AI / ML System.
• Much lower CPU usage than v1
•New Reworked Presets
• Retrained model of the preamp section
• More accurate reproduction of the original hardware units
• Resizing Option

Our new applications based on AI technologies, literally train a model and parameters of an analog device by feeding it samples of real music material. We train the system with vocals, drums, guitars, full mixes, and other instruments phrases.
The Neural Network then creates a model based on weights by replicating the “effect” of the analog gear on the sound. This results in more accurate analog behavior.

Hi Band
This control boosts the high frequency of the program material in the shape of the original hardware that was captured.
The range is -15 dB to +15 dB

Lo Band
This control boosts the low frequency of the program material in the shape of the original hardware that was captured.
The range is -15 dB to +15 dB

Pre-Amp Drive
This control is used to drive the input of the analog pre-amp section. The more we use, the more saturated the signal.

Drive Type
This provides 3 types of saturation for the Pre-Amp Module. Clean, Medium, and Dirty. Don’t be afraid to push this plugin!

Drive on/Off Button
This button can bypass or activate the pre-amp saturation module of the plugin.

This control is an output trim for the final signal after processing and the range is from -24dB to 24 dB.

Autogain has been implemented in the pre-amp section for the convenience of the user.

Some presets in a few categories have been provided to get the user started.

Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

System Requirements
Windows 10 or later


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