
FEZ v1.09-FAS 菲斯

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由Polytron团队开发、曾获得GDC 2012(游戏开发者大会)最佳独立游戏奖项的《Fez》是一款极具创意的利用视角的转换来改变关卡舞台,结合2D和3D的关卡的平台动作游戏全面展现游戏清新画面、复古音效背后创意玩法所能能给玩家带来的无限乐趣。




值得一提的是,《Fez》制作组的主要制作人Phil Fish也是个超级有性格的人,他曾经表示“日本游戏只配舔屁眼,太他妈了个X的垃圾。”而此番言论也得到了另一款独立游戏神作《时空幻境(Braid)》的制作者Jonathan Blow支持。

另外,除了PC版本外,制作人Phil Fish表示,他正和索尼一起为PSV版而努力,同时也“极有可能”推出iOS和Android版本,敬请期待!


游戏制作:Polytron Corporation 


Group FAS has released the upto date version of the game “FEZ”. Enjoy!

Description: Gomez is a 2D creature living in a 2D world. Or is he? When the existence of a mysterious 3rd dimension is revealed to him, Gomez is sent out on a journey that will take him to the very end of time and space. Use your ability to navigate 3D structures from 4 distinct classic 2D perspectives. Explore a serene and beautiful open-ended world full of secrets, puzzles and hidden treasures. Unearth the mysteries of the past and discover the truth about reality and perception. Change your perspective and look at the world in a different way.

Changelog v1.09
– Music streaming thread uses much less CPU time, should drop CPU usage by 50% on most systems
– Added brightness control in video options
– Fixed that secret passages would lead to the wrong destination door in some circumstances
– Removed the “Start New Game” option from the pause menu upon user request, you can still start a new game form the “Save Management” menu by clearing your current save slot
– Fixed a crash that occured when using the “flying” code during a warpgate transition
– First-person view mouselook fixed to be able to scroll endlessly instead of being constrained to screen size
– Gomez looks the right way when looking around with mouse drag
– Back, Jump and Start keys now exit first-person view
– Fixed that the credits would jump forwards in 720p and 1080p since 1.08
– Fixed that the sky clouds would randomly appear too dark since 1.08
– Fixed that the “Talk/Back” button would stop working after exiting the Steam overlay
– Added an “Achievements” menu option for the Steam build
– An error dialog with details and suggestions will pop up instead of silently exiting when an error related to framebuffer objects happens at load time
– An error message will pop-up if XInput DLL is missing due to bad install of redistributables
– Miscellaneous CPU-wise optimizations
– Fixed and tweaked leaderboard navigation
– Clicking on a leaderboard entry will open the Steam overlay to that user’s page

Publisher: Trapdoor
Developer: Polytron Corporation
Genre: Indie, Platformer

Release Name: FEZ_v1.09-FAS
Size: 305.28 MB
Links: Homepage 


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