Inear Display Oxymore v1.1 (Win / Mac OS X) | 7.5 MB
Oxymore is a delay plugin with stutter, lowpass filter and modulation effects thrown in the feedback signal path. It can be used to generate classic delay effects as well as wild signal mutations. The input signal first goes through a delay line on each stereo channel, but instead of sending directly the output back into the delay line, the resulting signal is sent to a stutter processor, then to a lowpass filter, and finally to another delay line on the opposite channel which is modulated for creating chorus type effects. The output of the second delay line is then routed back to the first one on the original channel.
The stutter effect can be used to generate reverse delays, noisy pitch-shifting or raw granulation. The lowpass filter has an internal LFO to make the cutoff frequency oscillate, and the modulation processor can act as a subtle chorus or at the contrary as a noisy modulator by changing the range of the modulation rate. The delay can be synced to your DAW tempo.
Additional features include the ability to resize the plugin interface to fit your display (Windows and Os X only), share your presets between plugin formats and platforms, map your MIDI controller easily using the built-in MIDI learn system, and trigger presets using MIDI program changes.
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InDiOx1.1-CHAOS.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/29784125
InDiOx1.1.MacOSX-Xdb.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/29784126
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