
Inear Display Tkapik v1.0.1

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Inear Display Tkapik v1.0.1

Inear Display Tkapik v1.0.1 | 3.1 MB

Tkapik is an amplitude controlled generative sampler plugin. Add it to a track, then load a sound file and Tkapik will trigger the sample with random settings every time an amplitude peak is detected in the input signal. The sample can either be mixed with the input according to its amplitude envelope or completely replace the signal using the “solo” mode. Don’t get fooled by the minimalist interface : being sample-based, Tkapik opens a wide array of sonic possibilities. You can use it to simply layer a kick drum with some field recordings or in a more extreme way to replace a whole part by a chaos of random drills and glitches. When the sample is triggered, its start offset, loop points and optionally pitch are randomized, giving you surprising results every time.

Additional features include the ability to resize the plugin interface to fit your display, and map your MIDI controller easily using the built-in MIDI learn system. By its very nature, Tkapik has no preset system, but its state will be properly recalled when re-opening a project in your DAW.


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