PitStop Pro 12 PDF 印前检查和编辑利器 。
PitStop Pro 可以对所有可能的问题进行系统彻底的检测,并在几秒内编辑和修复这些问题,而且不用离开您熟悉的 Adobe Acrobat 环境。
PitSTop pro 12 的新特性
在全球范围内,已经有超过 13 万名用户使用作为 PDF 印前检查和编辑领域行业标准的 PitStop Pro 来修正印刷错误、更改颜色空间、修改错误的页面几何参数以及修复其他的各种 PDF 问题。
在 Pitstop Pro 12 中编辑图像或图层混合时是在 PDF 文件中直接进行编辑,并且可以直观、动态、实时地进行更改,从而在关键时刻为您节省宝贵的时间。
- 图像曲线编辑 — 直接在 PitStop Pro 内编辑图像曲线
- 您可以根据需要执行的颜色修正来处理整幅图像或个别的颜色分离。
- 可以对高光、阴影或四分色调进行调整,可以为曲线增加曲线控制点以进行更精确的调整,也可以使用精确值对曲线控制点的输入和输出百分比值进行数值调整。
- 反锐化掩模 (USM) — 使用量度、半径和阈值控件锐化所选的图像
- 对齐和分布
- 图层混合编辑
- 编组/取消编组
PitStop Pro 12 系统要求:
Adobe ® Acrobat ® 8.x Standard 或 Pro
Adobe ® Acrobat ® 9.x Standard 或 Pro
Adobe ® Acrobat ® X Standard 或 Pro
Adobe ® Acrobat ® XI Standard 或 Pro
- Microsoft ® Windows ® XP SP2 Professional 或 Home Edition
- Microsoft ® Windows ® 7 Home Premium、Business 或 Ultimate Edition
- Microsoft ® Windows ® 8(32 位和 64 位,以 32 位模式运行)
- Mac OS ® X 10.6、10.7 和 10.8
最低 512 MB RAM(推荐 2 GB)
1024×768 的屏幕分辨率(推荐 1280 x 1024)
PitStop Pro 12, the industry-standard for PDF preflight & editing, already helps more than 130,000 users worldwide correct typographic errors, change colour spaces, modify incorrect page geometry and fix dozens of other PDF problems. Now PitStop Pro 12 makes it possible to colour correct, adjust and sharpen images and to edit, create or replace blends – all within the familiar PitStop interface.
PitStop Pro 12 has everything you need for quick and easy adjustments of PDF images or blends for print, online or archival purposes. You no longer need to export images to Photoshop or Illustrator and re-import when carrying out enhancements to improve print quality or fix incorrect files. Once changes are made to images, you can immediately preview the results, saving you crucial time when it matters.
PitStop Pro 12 enables you to edit all image formats and colour spaces supported by the PDF format. PitStop Pro 12 can even edit images that cannot be easily edited in any other way, such as those that include spot colour, duotone, tritone and other Device-N colour spaces. Image adjustments can be applied to single images, multiple images, or all images within a PDF file. The new image editing options are also available as Actions in PitStop Pro, so they can be added to Preflight Profiles or Action Lists to automate repetitive image corrections for your own production requirements.
more info: http://www.enfocus.com
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