QuarkXpress是Quark公司的产品之一。它被世界上先进的设计师,出版商和印刷厂用来制作:宣传手册,杂志,书本,广告,商品目录,报纸,包装,技术手册,年度报告,贺卡,刊物,传单,建议书,等等。它把专业排版、设计、彩色和图形处理功能、专业作图工具、文字处理、复杂的印前作业,等等,全部集成在一个应用软件中。跨平台兼容因为QuarkXPress有Mac IOS版本和Windows 版本,您可以方便地在跨平台环境下工作。两种版本的QuarkXPress可以互相读取对方的文件。所以您可以方便地在两种平台之间转换文件而不用担心文字重整,变换格式,或丢失图形。
QuarkXPress v9.5.3 (Win / Portable / Mac OS X)
Win: 673 MB | Portable: 530 MB | Mac OS X: 920 MB
QuarkXPress is powerful layout software with an intuitive, versatile interface that lets you combine writing, editing, and typography with color and pictures to produce dynamic final output. QuarkXPress is widely used by magazines, newspapers, advertising agencies, typesetters, printers, corporate publishers, design firms, catalog houses, book publishers, and form designers. It is also used by businesses with publishing requirements.
Print Design & Publishing:
Over the past 25 years, millions of designers have used QuarkXPress® to produce advertising, brochures, magazines, books, catalogues, newspapers, and more. Why? Because QuarkXPress offers the ultimate in creativity, design control, and professional print output.
Spectacular Print Design:
QuarkXPress lets you turn your ideas into reality. It gives you precise control over text, images, shapes, colour, and opacity, and it’s compatible with a broad range of file formats. No design is too simple or too complex — and no page layout software gives you more control over design.
Professional Print Output:
Great design, of course, is only half of the equation. The other half is output; the final printed piece has to match what’s on the screen. To make sure that happens, QuarkXPress provides soft proofing features, comprehensive colour management, and support for international colour standards.
QuarkXPress also includes a built-in preflighting feature that can identify potential output issues early in the design process. When your layout is ready to go, easy-to-use presets for print-ready PDFs make sure output will go without a hitch.
Digital Design & Publishing:
Use a Single Tool to Create and Publish Richly Designed, Interactive Content for the Web, eBooks, Smartphones, the iPad, and More
Entering the Digital Marketplace:
QuarkXPress opens a whole new world of digital design and publishing to you in one tool, with one familiar interface — at one reasonable price — without requiring coding or programming.
Why spend the time and money to buy and learn a whole suite of applications, when you can create beautiful, functional digital designs and publications with a single tool? Only QuarkXPress delivers a complete set of intelligent cross-media design and export features in a single application.
With QuarkXPress:
· Print designers are right at home with digital publishing, interactive content, and Web content
· You can easily convert content from print to digital format
· You can synchronise content between print layouts, digital projects, and designs for different tablet orientations
· You can share colour definitions, style sheets, and other resources between different types of layouts
· You only have to learn one skill set to design for multiple media — so you’re more productive, faster
· Adding digital design and publishing skills to your portfolio can open a world of new opportunities, both for you and for your clients
Create iPad Apps:
Combine Rich Design with Interactivity for the Ultimate Mobile Experience
Create your own custom iPad apps and publications with App Studio for QuarkXPress, then sell them in the Apple App Store
Design for Blio eReader:
Bring Rich, Interactive Design to the eBook Marketplace
Stand out in this new and growing market by designing interactive content for the Blio eReader — the most accessible and versatile eReader on the market
Export to Flash and HTML
Web and Flash Design Without Coding — Directly in QuarkXPress
Build rich, fully interactive Web pages and Flash® projects, complete with animation, video, and more
Here are some key features of “QuarkXPress”:
- Easy to use
- Integration with other applications, including common graphics, video, and other programmes
- Powerful design tools
- Precision typography
- Reliable print output
- Web, iPad, SWF (Flash), and interactive design
- Design and publish e-books
- Digital Design & Publishing
- Web Sites
- e-books
- Banner Ads
- Digital Magazines
- Digital Signage
- Digital Newspapers
- Interactive Presentations
- e-catalogues
- Print Design & Publishing
- Brochures
- Magazines
- Advertising
- Newspapers
- Posters
- Catalogues and Circulars
- Direct Marketing
- Packaging
- Books and User Guides
- Postcards
- Financial Reports
- Collateral
- Directories and Yearbooks
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Download 城通网盘
QuarkXPress.v9.5.3.MacOSX_0daydown.com.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/30061790
QuarkXPress.v9.5.3.Portable_0daydown.com.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/30061047
QuarkXPress.v9.5.3_0daydown.com.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/30061791
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