
FinalBuilder Server Edition

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FinalBuilder Professional Edition

FinalBuilder 使用这款自动化创建和发布管理工具,软件开发者可以定义和维护一个可靠的以及可重复创建的程序。FinalBuilder包括集成的带有版本的控制系统,文件和目录选项,重复器,源代码编译,测试工具,数据库系统,安装工具,以及用于在因特网上进行配置的行为和CD或者DVD刻录功能。该软件拥有280个内置的行为,允许你从源代码编译应用软件,编译设置和安装程序,作用于版本控制系统,编译帮助文件,创建和编辑INI文件以及Windows操作系统注册表键,刻录CD和DVD或者创建ISO映像,压缩和未压缩文件,允许自动测试,从或者向服务器移动FTP文件,发送电子邮件信息和在新闻服务器上邮递,以及创建计划进度表。

FinalBuilder Server Edition | 49.5 MB

Automating your Build process is simple with FinalBuilder. With FinalBuilder you don’t need to edit xml, or write scripts. Visually define and debug your build scripts, then schedule them with windows scheduler, or integrate them with Continua CI, Jenkins or any other CI Server. Thousands of Software Developers rely on FinalBuilder to automate the build, test and release process. If you are not using FinalBuilder to automate your builds, you are missing out.

Graphical Interface
FinalBuilder presents your build process in a logically structured, graphical interface. Any software developer can define and maintain their build with FinalBuilder, without needing to learn a new XML schema or language.

600+ Actions
With its extensive library of pre-written actions, FinalBuilder has an action to automate every common task in your build process. It also integrates with your existing compilers, version control systems and testing tools.

Flow Control
FinalBuilder includes Try and Catch actions for localised error handling as well as all the loops and conditional statements you get in a full programming language.

Scheduled Builds
FinalBuilder provides tight integration with the windows scheduling service, which allows builds to be scheduled to run daily, weekly or whenever you wish.

OS : Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Language : English

Home Pagehttps://www.finalbuilder.com/

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