
NeoBook 5.8.6 Professional

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df1017_1它的功能远非只能做电子书或安装程序,它还是一个功能强大的多媒体编著工具,可与大名鼎鼎的 Authware 相媲美,可以实现 Authware 的几乎所有功能,有些地方甚至有过之而无不及,并且 NeoBook 页面式的操作又比 Authware 的流程图式结构简单得多,更适合初级用户。

NeoBook 5.x Professional | 22.4 MB

NeoBook’s easy-to-use, floating tool palette and wizards allow you to construct many types of applications using simple drag and drop commands. It’s easy to setup hotspots, command buttons, text entry fields, check boxes, lists and other interactive controls. Quickly create an interface that allows readers to turn pages, enter responses, pop up messages, play multimedia files, run other software, perform calculations, display Internet sites, and more. A built-in scripting language and a variety of plug-ins are also available to extend the capabilities of NeoBook even further.

NeoBook Professional 5.8.4

OS : Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8/Desktop (32/64-bit)
Language : English

Home Page – http://www.neosoftware.com

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