
Aero Glass for Windows 8.1/10 x86/x64

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Aero Glass 1.3.1 for Windows 8.1 (x64)

Aero Glass for Windows8.1是一款可以在Windows8.1上完整恢复Aero Glass毛玻璃效果的窗口框架,该程序完全集成到桌面窗口管理器中,不会破坏或修改任何受系统保护的系统文件。


该程序尽可能最大限度地减少内存和显存的使用情况,由于没有创建redudant对象,没有后台服务运行,其结果就是低占用。另外该程序支持破解主题限制后使用其它第三方的主题,不过前提是该主题支持Aero Glass效果。

Aero Glass 1.x | 1.4 MB

Aero Glass integrates into the the Desktop Windows Manager without compromising any system components. It uses the native Direct3D device to render the effects and colors. You can change the transparency and base colors directly from the Windows Colorization Control Panel.

This utility returns the complete glass effect into windows frames.
– Apply glass look to windows borders
– Blur the content behind the borders to improve UI experience
– Change amount of transparency in Control panels directly
– Change inactive windows borders color
– Skin windows borders (add glow, shadows etc.) without changing Windows theme
– Fully native including MSStyle themes and DWM API compatibility
– Low resources usage

OS : Windows 8.1 (x64)
Language : English

Home Pagehttp://www.glass8.eu/

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