
Noctropolis Enhanced Edition-HI2U

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Noctropolis是 DOS 时代的一款标准纯 AVG( Adventure Game ),因游戏中有简短的女主上空画面和部分暴力场景而被评为 Mature 17 级。这是最早的角色由真人扮演的游戏之一。

游戏主人公 Peter Grey 是一名倒霉的书店主人,他因为自己喜爱的动漫英雄 Darksheer 隐退而倍感失落。幸运的是他在 Darksheer 大赛中获奖,奖品是一部尚未发行的动漫,其中描写了新的反派 Flux 图谋将 Darksheer 的敌人劫出监狱的故事,奖品中包含的一枚硬币可以帮助 Peter 变身。一觉醒来后发现自己身处 Noctropolis 的 Peter 义无反顾地选择变身为新的 Darksheer,与 Flux 展开斗争,誓将所有反派绳之以法,以实现自己的人生价值。

In a world where comic books are real – The final issue is Evil!

In the City Of Darkness, where the spirit of the times is an insatiable lust for flesh and blood, a hero stands alone. You are Darksheer, and your nemeses will stop at nothing: the vampiric Succubus, Tophat the Magician, the masochistic Master Macabre and their demonic allies have joined forces to indulge in fantasies of carnage worthy only of the end of time. Night Dive Studios presents Noctropolis, a beautifully rendered, adult graphic adventure about the grisly things you dream.

New Enhanced Edition for Steam!


  • High-quality, remastered OST
  • Original bonus Comic Book included
  • Improved mouse support – You can rebind left and right click function to any mouse button; scroll wheel can be used to navigate in-game menus and comic books
  • Improved keyboard support – You can rebind virtual left and right click keys; page up and page down act the same as the mouse scrollwheel. Can use number keys to make choices during dialogue trees. Can adjust sensitivity of virtual pointer.
  • Support for modern displays with ability to toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode
  • SDL 2.0 Game controller support added, with rebinding and sensitivity controls supported.
  • Several game crashing bugs from the original code were fixed.
  • Dead-end situations in game play were removed.
  • Optional linear texture filtering.
  • Three-band equalized, filtered sound mixer.

Genre: Adventure
Publisher: Night Dive Studios
Developer: Flashpoint Studios , Night Dive Studios

Release name: Noctropolis.Enhanced.Edition-HI2U
Size: 542.3 MB
Links: SteamNFO

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