
Angry Birds v3.3 Cracked GAME-ErES 愤怒的小鸟

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 愤怒的小鸟(Angry Birds)这款游戏的故事相当有趣,为了报复偷走鸟蛋的肥猪们,鸟儿以自己的身体为武器,仿佛炮弹一样去攻击肥猪们的堡垒。游戏是十分卡通的2D画面,看着愤怒的红色小鸟,奋不顾身的往绿色的肥猪的堡垒砸去,那种奇妙的感觉还真是令人感到很欢乐。而游戏的配乐同样充满了欢乐的感觉,轻松的节奏,欢快的风格。不过在进行游戏的时候却没有这样的音乐,有点可惜。但是将鸟儿们弹射出去时,鸟儿的叫声倒是给人很好笑的感觉。

 Here is the next one from group ErES. Latest version of original “Angry Birds” game.Enjoy!

Description: Squawk!

The survival of the Angry Birds is at stake. Dish out revenge on the green pigs who stole the Birds’ eggs. Use the unique powers of the Angry Birds to lay waste to the pigs’ confounding constructions. Angry Birds features challenging, physics-based demolition gameplay with hours and hours of replay value. Each of the 240+ levels requires logic, skill, and brute force to crush the enemy.

What is new in version 3.3.0:

– The birds are back in town! The #1 best-selling app gets a feathery new update with an extra 15 classic levels. It’s the gameplay you all know and love, and this time the flock returns to pop those piggies!
– NEW CLASSIC LEVELS! The gang’s back with an extra 15 levels of classic Angry Birds gameplay!
– NEW AND IMPROVED POWERS! In these levels, fling Red with more accuracy than ever thanks to all-new manual targeting!

Release Name: Angry.Birds.v3.3.Cracked.GAME-ErES
Size: 97.07 MB
Links: Homepage

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