
Bad Piggies v1.3 Cracked GAME-ErES 捣蛋猪

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 《愤怒的小鸟》(Angry Bird)开发商,芬兰游戏工作室Rovio近日发布了《愤怒的小鸟》续作《捣蛋猪》(Bad Piggies)。

 《捣蛋猪》中的主角是绿色小猪,形象延续了《愤怒的小鸟》中的声音和造型,而与小鸟不同的是,《捣蛋猪》并不是将猪砸向对手或建筑,场景也不再固定,玩家通过移动绿猪来收集道具,完成关卡任务。相比《愤怒的小鸟》的休闲风格,《捣蛋猪》更偏向益智,用户需要通过一些道具的组合来达成目标,这与此前Rovio发布的第二大系列产品《神奇的阿力》(Amazing Alex)相似,让这个游戏看上去更像二者的结合。奇的阿力》(Amazing Alex)相似,让这个游戏看上去更像二者的结合。


 同样的,Bad Piggies还是为蛋追逐。当然,事情总有意外!你能创建终极飞行器,并引导他们安全到达目的地吗?那些狡猾的猪猪有几个工具可供使用,但都要你的帮助把这些交通工具变得更完善!通过创建终极飞行/爬行/滚动/旋转/撞击并把小猪安全导航至蛋蛋处!

 《捣蛋猪》包括超过60多个关卡,会一直不停享受小猪撞击,爆炸,飞行带来的乐趣!在每个关卡收集三颗星星以解开30多个谜题!提示:有时候在一个关卡你要玩很多遍才能达到所有目标 – 尝试建立一个新的设备或尝试不同的方式来获得所有的星星!


 The last one from the pack, the latest version of Angry Birds “Bad Piggies” has also been released by group ErES. Enjoy!

Description: Create the ultimate machine and get the pigs safely to the eggs!

The Bad Piggies are after the eggs again! Can you create the ultimate flying/driving/crawling machine and steer them safely to their destination? With your help and lots of creativity, a few basic pieces can turn into the most amazing transportation!

Bad Piggies has more than 90 levels, plus free updates, so there’s no end to the crashing, driving, and flying fun! Use 33 different objects to explore the world with the most fantastic machines you can imagine!


  • The No.1 chart hit from Rovio
  • Stunning new puzzle game in the incredible Angry Birds universe
  • Loads of awesome levels crammed with flying/driving/crashing fun!
  • Unlock bonus levels for even more puzzles!
  • 4 sandbox levels to stretch your creativity!
  • Free updates bring you even more entertaining levels!
  • Ultra-special, ultra-secret, ultra-difficult sandbox level to unlock by collecting all the skulls!
  • Use objects to create the ultimate machine: motors, wings, fans, umbrellas, balloons, and much more!
  • From the makers of Angry Birds – the global gaming phenomenon
  • Includes limited edition, highly collectable Bad Piggies sticker set – exclusive to the PC box game

Release Name: Bad.Piggies.v1.3.Cracked.GAME-ErES
Size: 27.09 MB
Links: Homepage

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