
Autodesk Maya LT 2014 WinX64/MacOSX

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Autodesk已发布的Maya LT版本,可以说是Maya 2014的简易版,LT版本有着与Maya相同的用户接口以及工作流程,并且有着更亲民的价格。目标设定是给个人以及手机游戏的开发商这些使用者。与Maya 2014相比,Maya 2014 LT完整保留了建模的功能,但也去掉了许多动画制作的功能,例如Animation Layer、Live animation retargeting、Camera Sequencer、Paint Effects…也去掉了MEL和Python编码功能。因为担心一些大型公司会利用LT这样较便宜的版本来当作制作软件,所以Autodesk还是希望大型的开发公司能使用完整版的Maya 2014。

支持Viewport 2.0以及DirectX 11,让使用者还是能在Viewport中看到不错的模型效果。

另外在彩现部份,也不支持场景算图,原厂是建议通过Maya Viewport 2.0的强大显示功能,用画面截图的方式来捕捉画面,不过Maya LT还是可以出Playblast预览影片。这意味着mental ray彩现也被去掉了。

而Maya LT则是有自已的档案单元格式——MLT,可读取但无法另存成Maya原本的.ma文件格式。

完整的Maya 2014与Maya LT 2014功能比较表

Maya LT 2014功能演示

 Autodesk Maya LT 2014 (Win X64 / Mac OS X) | 873 MB / 1.45 GB

Autodesk Maya LT 2014 is a 3D modeling and animation software tool designed for indie and mobile game developers. Based on the award-winning Autodesk Maya software, Maya LT offers users a familiar UI and workflow at an affordable price, making it ideal for game artists of various skill levels.

System requirements

System requirements for Autodesk® Maya LT™ 2014 (X64)

  • Windows® 8 (X64)or Windows 7 Professional edition(X64), Apple® Mac OS® X 10.7.x, or Mac OS X 10.8.x operating system
  • 64-bit Intel® or AMD® multicore processor
  • Microsoft® DirectX® 11 compatible graphics card
  • 4 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended)
  • 2 GB of free disk space for installation
  • Internet Explorer®, Safari®, or Firefox® web browser
  • Three-button mouse

Autodesk Maya LT 2014 is also capable of running on certain other configurations. However, enumerating systems that are not tested and cannot be supported or that fall below the Autodesk recommended minimum system requirements for a productive user experience is beyond the scope of the Autodesk online certification charts.

Autodesk is not responsible for errors or failures of Autodesk software arising from the installation of updates, extensions or new releases issued by third party hardware or software vendors for the certified software or hardware identified in this document (or for any other third party software or hardware that you may use in connection with Autodesk products).

2013-9-22 13-29-04 2013-9-22 13-29-54

 Autodesk Maya LT 2014 WinX64

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Autodesk Maya LT 2014  MacOSX

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