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《粘性立方体(GooCubelets)》是Zonitron Productions制作的一款益智游戏。玩家需要控制立方体方块在粘性的平台上解决各种谜题,随着关卡的前进,玩家会获得新的技能去解决更困难的谜题。

Description: There’s no question about it – you need to become cubastic and cube around the gooiest platforms ever to be cubed around on. Indulge in the most mind blowing puzzles ever to be witnessed by any cubelet.

As you progress through the levels, your cubelet will learn new skills and obtain new knowledge which will enable you to pass through the final puzzle a.k.a. THE MEGAPUZZLE.

Genre: Casual, Indie
Publisher: GrabTheGames
Developer: Zonitron Productions

Release Name: GooCubelets-ALiAS
Size: 63,49 MB
Links: STEAM | NFO

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