
Delcam Crispin Suite 2016 R1 (build 2)

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升级补丁,需先装Delcam Crispin Suite 2016 R1

Delcam CRISPIN 为制鞋行业提供了一专业的,功能强大的软件解决方案,可帮助鞋业企业设计、开发和制造出能满足不同市场需要的各类鞋。 Delcam CRISPIN是集Delcam 多年CAD/CAM开发经验并在全球各地多位鞋业专家的指导下开发而成。Delcam CRISPIN 能够为制鞋业带来巨大收益,包括:

  • 快速精确的鞋楦工程和加工
  • 逼真的3D鞋款概念设计,可视化设计和建模
  • 精确的鞋底鞋模工程和加工
  • 更快的产品上市周期
  • 降低样品和模具成本
  • 减少材料消耗
  • 提高产品精度和一致性

Autodesk 于 2014 年 2 月 6 日完成对 Delcam 的收购,Delcam 正式成为 Autodesk 集团旗下独立运营的全资子公司。在于2月9日到11日举行的Delcam 2014 全球经销商峰会的开幕式上,Delcam 公司总裁Clive Martell先生向与会的全球经销商代表和Delcam英国总部的全体员工宣布了这一消息。

Autodesk (ex Delcam) Crispin Suite 2016 R1 (build 2) | 557.2 mb

Delcam, a world-leading developer and supplier of advanced CAD/CAM software, has released the R1 version of Crispin 2016 software, this portfolio of 3D CAD/CAM footwear and shoe design software helps to take your digital concepts through to manufacturing.

Autodesk, Inc. has completed the acquisition of Delcam, one of the world’s leading suppliers of advanced computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software. Delcam operate as a wholly owned, independently operated subsidiary of Autodesk, with no significant changes planned for Delcam’s business.

Autodesk (ex Delcam) Crispin Suite 2016 R1 (build 2)

Crispin are dedicated to providing their customers with complete CADCAM software solutions for the full lifecycle of a footwear product. The solutions we provide ensure our customers save both time and money; and our programmes equip users with the necessary tools to help them produce high quality footwear that is right first time. Our packages provide powerful, yet easy-to-use footwear design and manufacturing solutions that require minimal training. Our products include solutions for 3D shoe design, engineering, manufacturing, costing and documentation, which help to ensure your business needs are met on time and in budget. As a market leader we strive to ensure our services:

– Reduce the time to market
– Increase customers efficiency and productivity
– Are customised and bespoke
– Provide consultancy for business integration
– Offer continuous development through learning and support

Autodesk (ex Delcam) Crispin Suite 2016 R1 (build 2)


– Autodesk (ex Delcam) Crispin KnifeCut 2016 R1 (CR 16.1.01)
Our specialist footwear CAM software (computer aided manufacturing) provides the tools you need to improve the efficiency of footwear manufacturing.
– Autodesk (ex Delcam) Crispin TechPac 2016 R1 (CR
Technical documentation is essential for accurate assembly during the manufacture of a production shoe. This can be done in many ways, however Crispin TechPac has an advantage of customisable templates which provides technical detail about the shoe, type of machine to use and operation sequence. They can be saved as HTML or PDF files depending on your need.
– Autodesk (ex Delcam) Crispin LastMaker 2016 R1 (CR 16.1.18)
The last making process is arguably the most important part of shoe design, so it needs to be precise. With Crispin LastMaker, you are able to create 3D digital lasts that can be modified quickly and easily by editing your measurements. This means your lasts are more accurate than hand creation.

Autodesk (ex Delcam) Crispin Suite 2016 R1 (build 2)

About Autodesk

Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone—from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists—uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.

About Delcam plc

Delcam is a world-leading developer and supplier of advanced CAD/CAM software, with more than 35,000 customers in over 80 countries. These clients vary from global names like Nike, Boeing and Mattel to small start-ups and individual craftsmen. Founded 30 years ago, we are the largest developer of product development software in the UK, with subsidiaries in Europe, America and Asia. Our global success has been recognised with many awards, including three Queen’s Awards for Enterprise in the last six years.

Name: Autodesk (ex Delcam) Crispin
Version: Suite 2016 R1 (build2)
Home: http://www.delcam.com
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8 / 8.1
Size: 557.2 mb

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