MapsWithMe Pro (Maps With Me)可以让您对旅行充满信心!您将可以随时了解您的位置以及如何找到最近的餐厅、您的酒店或景点。并且无需网络连接,因为您能够以完全离线的方式搜索和使用地图。
• 离线搜索。从地图上的所有事物中找到您所需的任何目标!自动提示功能让搜索地图变得更加轻松快速。
• 按类别搜索。您可以按照食物、景点和商店等热门类别搜索地图。
• GPS定位。您可以通过GPS定位和指南针随时查找您的位置。
• 地圖旋轉和自動追蹤模式 現在,您可以用您的手指手動旋轉地圖。當自動追蹤模式開啟時,地圖會自動定向至您正在移動的方向。
• 书签导入/导出。 通过电子邮件与朋友分享您最喜爱的地方,或从其他地图添加书签到MapsWithMe。支持KML/KMZ文件书签导入/导出
• 新功能!位置分享。透過電子郵件或簡訊傳送地圖上任何地點的大頭針標籤。與您的朋友分享您當前的位置。
• 非常快速。再也不会出现灰色方格!我们的创新数据压缩方法让您可以瞬间下载地图,并顺利地操作。
• 所有国家、所有城市。如果您携带了MapsWithMe Pro,整个世界便装进您的口袋中。
• 新数据。地图数据来自开源计划OpenStreetMap,其中的地图数据由全球各地的数万名用户每天进行更新。因此您可以放心,您收到的都是最新信息。
MapsWithMe Pro, Offline Maps v2.4.7

Android | .apk | 34.54mb
The fastest offline map of the entire world. Feel confident while traveling. Maps work everywhere, anytime!
*** TechCrunch: “What they [MapsWithMe] offer is significantly better than Google Maps offline…” ***
• COMPLETELY OFFLINE. Download the map and work with it when no Internet connection is available. Don’t worry about high roaming charges.
• OFFLINE SEARCH. Find everything you need of all the objects available on the map in a second! The auto-suggestion feature makes the search faster and easier.
• BOOKMARKS. Add any place to the bookmarks list. Then find it easily again and again.
• IMPORT/EXPORT of bookmarks. Share your favorite places with friends via email or add bookmarks from other maps to MapsWithMe. KML/KMZ files are supported
• LOCATION SHARING. Send a pin of any place on the map via e-mail or sms. Share with friends your current location.
• GPS POSITIONING. You will always be able to locate where you are with the GPS positioning and compass.
• AUTO-FOLLOW MODE. When the auto-follow mode is on, the map automatically orients itself to the direction you are moving.
• REALLY FAST. No grey squares anymore! The trick is in a special map data compression method. Download maps in seconds, navigate through them smoothly and save phone’s memory.
• ALL COUNTRIES, ALL CITIES. If you get the MapsWithMe Pro, all the World is in your pocket. Get the app once, use it many times.
• FRESH DATA. The map data comes from the open source initiative OpenStreetMap where the maps are being updated daily by hundreds of thousands of users worldwide. You can be sure that the information you received is up-to-date.
• MILLIONS of POI. Millions of POI converts the app into your own city guide.
• PERFECT TO NAVIGATE. Currently the app has no navigation feature, but auto-follow mode, fast rendering, precise GPS positioning makes it a perfect tool to control your direction while driving.
Feel confident while traveling with MapsWithMe Pro (Maps With Me Pro)!
All cities of the world: London, Paris, Bangkok, Singapore, Istanbul, Hong Kong, Madrid, Dubai, Frankfurt, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul, Rome, New York, Shanghai, Barcelona, Milan, Amsterdam, Vienna, Beijing, Taipei, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Quito, Abu Dhabi, Tunis, Dubai, Taipei, Istanbul, Beijing, Bogota, Lima, Riyadh, Nairobi, Singapore, Seoul, Cairo, Shanghai, Toronto, Washington, D.C., Caracas, Moscow, St. Petersburg, San Francisco, Johannesburg, Florence, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Bahrain, Shanghai, Toronto, Berlin, Budapest, Dublin, Mecca, Prague, Cancun, Macau, Venice, Warsaw, Mexico, Guangzhou, Benidorm, Orlando, Miami, Munich, Shenzen, Sydney, Lisbon, Las Vegas, Hangzhou, Marrakesh, Tokyo, Mumbai, Sao Paulo, Europe.
What’s New
• Improved locations filtering algorithm
• Improved Japanese translations (thanks to Satoshi Iida)
• Map data updated
• Bug fixes
Requires Android: 2.1+
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