Growl 是一个苹果电脑 Mac OS X 系统下非常实用的信息提示软件,它能在苹果电脑屏幕角落显示各种实用的应用程序的运行提示。比如:好友上/下线,上传/下载完成,解压缩完毕,收到邮件······。你能设置提示的位置、外形等要素以及 Growl 关联的软件,事实上由于 Growl 相当好用且出名,很多软件都默认以它做为提示工具。
Growl | Mac Os X | 6.9 MB
Growl is the is ultimate notification system for the Mac. It’s the easiest way to know what is going on with other applications while you are working on something else. One day we were working with pictures in iPhoto while waiting on an important email to arrive. Every time an email came in, it interrupted our iPhoto work when we switched to Mail. We had no idea what each email was, we just had to keep clicking back over to Mail every time there was a new email. At the end of the day we decided that we needed a solution to this problem, and thus Growl was born. Never before has there been an anything that personalizes notifications in such an effective way. You can receive notifications in several ways, such as on screen, via email, or even have them spoken to you. Plus if you know a bit about web technologies (CSS/XHTML/Javascript) then you can make a Growl style look how you want it to.
So many more AWESOME features listed here.
– Personalize your notifications. Choose Growl’s presentation, look and feels.
– Keeps working even when you are not. Come back to your mac and review what happened while you were gone with Rollup.
– Easy to use Applications tab for controlling what you receive and what gets blocked.
– Speech display for hearing your notifications, great for those who are visually impaired.
– Awesome notification history, so you can see what has been going on.
– A large variety of styles come with Growl. Anything from nano which is tiny, to music video which is huge.
– Make your own Growl styles very easily with web technology to give Growl your own look and feel.
– Send Growl notifications from Cocoa, AppleScript, or over the network.
– Networking so that two or more macs can forward notifications to each other.
– Can work with the iPhone and iPad via Prowl.
Requirements: Mac OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
Languages: English, Bokmål, Norwegian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Portuguese, Spanish
Growl 2.1.3 MacOsX
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