JetBrains 官网的宣传口号是:A Power Tool for APower Languages。
跨平台。CLion 1.0 可以用于 64 位的 Linux、OS X、64 位的 Windows。在 Linux 和 OSX,可选择 GCC 或 Clang 作为编译器。在 Windows 平台,可选 MinGW 32/64 或 Cygwin。
支持 C++ 11 标准;
强大的编辑器 和 one-click 导航
- 有可以匹配左值类型的智能自动完成的建议。
- 多个游标同时处理多个编辑任务。
- 根据预设的编码风格,代码自动格式化。
- 支持选择、重新排列、并迅速注释代码的键盘快捷键。
- 还有更多 (比如:不知道函数传了哪个参数?Ctrl + P 启用 Parameter Info 特性。
代码分析、快速修复 和 重构
A power tool for A power language. Smart C and C++ editor. Thanks to native C and C++ support, including C++11 standard, libc++ and Boost, CLion knows your code through and through and takes care of the routine while you focus on the important things.
Instantly navigate to a symbol’s declaration or context usages, find your way through the code base with structure and hierarchical views.
Code generation
Add class members, override/implement functions, wrap a block of code with a statement, or generate a declaration from actual usage – all via simple keyboard shortcuts.
Rename symbols, move members up/down the hierarchy, change function signature, and be sure CLion’s automated refactorings will accurately propagate the appropriate changes throughout your code.
On-the-fly code analysis
With CLion, you can create code that’s beautiful and correct at the same time. Potential code issues are identified instantly…
…and fixed as you type! Be sure all the proper changes are handled automatically by CLion.
CLion also performs Data Flow analysis to find out all the cases of the unreachable code, infinite recursion and more.
Integrated debugger
Investigate and solve problems with ease through CLion’s friendly debugger user interface with GDB or LLDB (on OS X) available as a backend.
Inline variable view
Get the complete view of your project with variable values shown right in the editor as you debug.
Watches and variables view
Inspect the state of all the variable for a chosen function in the stack frame, or monitor variable/expression changes during the debug session.
Using CMake as a project model, CLion handles your changes in CMake files automatically, using all the information from there during code editing and refactorings.
The complete experience
Popular VCS supported out of the box include Subversion, Git, GitHub, Mercurial, CVS, Perforce (via plugin), and TFS.
CLion also seamlessly integrates with Google Test framework.
Embedded terminal
Run any command without leaving the IDE: locally or remotely using the SSH protocol. Depending on your platform, you can work with a command line prompt, Far, powershell, bash, or other tools.
Keyboard-centric approach
To help you focus on code and raise your productivity, CLion has keyboard shortcuts for nearly all its features, actions and commands.
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