
Siemens Solid Edge ST10 MP10 Update

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Siemens Solid Edge ST10 MP10 UpdateSiemens Solid Edge ST10 MP10 Update | 345.0 mb

Siemens PLM Software has released an update (MP10) to Solid Edge ST10. The latest release features new design technology for working with scanned data and topology optimizations, enhanced fluid flow and heat transfer analysis, and cloud-based collaboration tools, as well as improved technical documentation tools.

This Maintenance Pack 10 addresses the following PRs:
PR 9176945: Valid relationships are unsatisfied after replacing FOA member
PR 9200549: XpresRoute crashes while editing Tube Properties
PR 8358637: Assembly relationships get failed in case of replacing frame section
PR 9214427: Attribute writing failed and causes crash
PR 9114443: After highlighting an assembly sketch while IPA into a part profile, all of the
PR 9190834: Fixed a crashlog abort in the Override Relationship command
PR 9193067: FOA asm works weird depending which member is active when saving
PR 9219991: SE crashes when trying to open the main-assembly
PR 9070763: failing assembly center-plane relationships
PR 9043888: Copy of subassembly placed when clicking in Pathfinder
PR 9122932: associative included 2d edges from embedded weldments are not binding
PR 9163871: “Engineering reference”(Gear design update problem)

PR 9189518: inactive mode caused prevented some modifications to a drawing view (e.g. dragging the caption)
PR 9197124: Retrieve dimension creates a Zero dimension
PR 9212300: Block Library Draft File is Opening Inactive and cannot edit block
PR 9214776: Views not allowing reorientation

===Part/Sheet Metal===
PR 9219978: problem to apply sheet metal gage settings
PR 9232884: Accelerated Sketch Display causes the sketch to Move
PR 9199752: Cutout is disappearing on a rolled Sheet metal part

PR 9088168: SolidWorks assembly file opening error
PR 9106273: Imported DWG does not contain the scale text in the title block
PR 9173023: AutoCAD Export Error
PR 9188136: SolidEdgeTranslationServices.exe crashes for parts without solids to JT
PR 9111150: Error during Solid Works data migration
PR 8387280: Error during Solid Works data migration – “migration terminated”

PR 9084779: The mouse selection filter doesn’t work in 3DSketch environment
PR 9180063: Edge bar add page event not fired if no connection to app events exists
PR 8388364: SetPDMProperties doesn’t support Name Prefix Item / ItemRevision

===Data Management===
PR 9227293: Avoid unnecessary rebuild index if no change in property schema

===Design Manager===
PR 9171952: Revision in Design Manger gives ascending revision letters
PR 9190873: Save-As function in Design Manager not finding all linked files in Insight mode

PR 9206378: Particular workflow is prompting user to check in edited files instead of Upload

===Teamcenter Integration for Solid Edge===
PR 9186305: The mapped date attribute shifts to displayed time after uploading to Teamcenter
PR 9212514: Provide an API to create BOM structures for TEL data
PR 8385443: Search window persists after closing, crashes application if Search used
PR 9216969: “Save as” from assembly in existing item fails in SESE when multiple obj
PR 9217594: You cannot request write access or modify assembly that already open in checkout
PR 9229932: SaveAs is performed the SEEC_BeforeCPDDisplay passes CPD_NEW_FILE
PR 9174734: SEEC / Active Workspace error at login: Unable to get property uid
PR 9201997: Issues with Solid Edge Data Preparation Utility


Siemens Solid Edge ST10 MP10 Update

Product: Siemens Solid Edge
Version: ST10 MP10 (build Update
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.plm.automation.siemens.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Software Prerequisites: Siemens Solid Edge ST10
Size: 345.0 mb


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