
Abelssoft FileWing Shredder 5.11

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一款功能强大的数据删除软件,可以对电脑上的数据全部删除,保证资料不会被别人恢复,也可以对电脑上的一些垃圾文件夹或者是垃圾组件删除,保存您电脑的空间足够使用;现在很多电脑的在删除数据以后都是可以恢复的,通过一些数据恢复软件就可以立即找到历史删除的数据,这对于保护隐私非常不安全,所以小编找到了这款更加高级的永久删除软件Abelssoft FileWing Shredder,通过他就可以轻松计算需要删除的数据,并且保存删除以后不能恢复!

File size: 7.9 MB
FileWing Shredder uses different algorithms to safely remove your data. You’ve got the choice between seven different methods of data removal. These algorithms overwrite your data between one and 35 times, which increases the safety of irreversible removal of your data. The used algorithms are scientifically proven and tested – no one will ever be able to recover your removed files.

Safely and irreversibly removes files
Choose between seven different methods to safely delete your files.

Guaranteed data removal!
The algorithms to delete files in FileWing Shredder were developed by security experts. They are scientifically proven and optimized. The data will irreversibly removed.

Even more functionality with the Pro-Version.
The Pro-Version additionally contains a feature to safely format your free space, whole drives as well as USB-Sticks.

Safely and irreversibly removes files
FileWing Shredder uses different algorithms to safely remove your data. You’ve got the choice between seven different methods of data removal. These algorithms overwrite your data between one and 35 times, which increases the safety of irreversible removal of your data. The used algorithms are scientifically proven and tested – no one will ever be able to recover your removed files.

Overwrite free space
FileWing Shredder can overwrite your free space to delete even the slightest bits of deleted data – that were removed by Windows but are in fact recoverable. This is the solution to permanently delete your files.

Safely Format drives
Even formatting your drive with the Windows methods never really wipes every block of data. The scientific methods of FileWing Shredder can be used to really securely remove everything off your drives. Guaranteed!

Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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