
SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager 3.2.10

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SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager 3.2.8

SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager是一款功能丰富的网络数据分析软件,可以帮助您检查本地的带宽使用情况,利用软件的端口扫描功能,帮助您在系统中分析哪款应用程序占用的带宽最大,从而帮助您设置一个限制的方案,将该软件的带宽降低

File size: 12.7 MB
Are your Internet usage or costs unexpectedly high? Does inappropriate use of the network or the Internet have an adverse effect on your business performance? Did the Internet access bandwidth become a major bottleneck in your network?

If your network has any of these problems, SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager will provide a cost-effective solution. The software monitors your network traffic and limits bandwidth in whatever manner you specify. The result is an immediate increase in the efficiency of your network together and a reduction in your overall bandwidth requirements while allowing important Internet applications to run at full speed.

SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager is a full-featured traffic management tool for Windows that offers cost-effective bandwidth control and quality of service based on built-in prioritised rules. These rules can specify a bandwidth limit for each Internet user. The software of this kind is otherwise known as bandwidth limiter or traffic shaper. With its help, you can apply speed-throttling rules to specified IP and MAC addresses, ports and even network interfaces with no changes to your existing network infrastructure. The rich feature set of SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager software is easily managed via the intuitive Windows GUI.

Key features:
Centralised configuration from a single network location.
Flexible, prioritised, bidirectional rules to specify maximum data rates and usage allowances.
Rules for IP and MAC addresses, protocols, ports (for TCP/IP) and network interfaces.
Transparency for end users with no client software installation required in most cases.
Quotas, scheduler, email notifications and comprehensive usage reports

Supported platforms:
Windows XP through Windows 10,
Windows Server 2003 through 2016
32-bit and 64-bit

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