
E-MU Emulator X3 3.0.0

Windows dsgsd 201浏览 0评论

File size: 54 MB
Emulator X3 Software Sampler is the culmination of over 30 years of sampler development that offers the sound quality, synthesis and filters of E-MU’s hardware samplers and introduces a host of new tools that includes SynthSwipe automated hardware sampling, TwistaLoop non-destructive audio manipulator, Morph Filter Designer to create custom filters, Multi-Function Generator for advanced LFO/envelope/arpeggiator programming, advanced Transform Multiply convolution DSP tool, real-time control of multiple loop points, REX2 and MP3 import, and much more.

Emulator X2 still offers E-MU’s 24-bit/192kHz sound engine and patented pitch interpolation, and can be run either standalone (64 MIDI channels) or as a VST instrument (16 MIDI channels per instantiation). Emulator X2 runs on Windows XP and includes over 3GB of sounds and a 2in/2out USB MIDI interface.

Automated sampling, pitch detection and preset creation with integrated waveform editor.
Powerful synthesis architecture with over 50 Z-Plane filters and 100 tempo-based parameters per preset.
Standalone (64 MIDI channels) or VSTi operation (16 MIDI channels per instantiation).
Sound Engine supports RAM and streaming playback.
Integrated effects processors.
2in/2 out USB MIDI interface.
Comprehensive sound format support, including EOS, EIII, GigaSampler, MP3, REX2,.AIFF, SoundFont 2.1,.WAV and more.
Ships with over 3GB of sounds, including the complete Proteus 2000 soundset, a 1.5GB Grand Piano, 24-bit drums and grooves and more – additional soundsets available.


Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

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