
ChrisPC CPU Booster 1.10.12

Windows dsgsd 239浏览 0评论

一款功能强大的CPU优化软件,用户可以为正在运行的应用程序与游戏配置更高的CPU优先级,从而让您的应用程序或游戏运行更加的流畅,其还内置了一个CPU基准测试功能,您可以确定每秒的访问速度、测试处理器时钟速度。测试小整数计算速度、测试大整数计算速度与计算最终分数(所有测试分数的平均值),另外,软件还提供了计算机性能统计功能,允许您查看处理器的使用信息,总的来说,Chris-PC CPU Booster为您带来了一套全面的CPU测试与优化方案

File size: 5.06 MB
Chris-PC CPU Booster takes advantage of multi-core processors by notifying the foreground application to run on the CPU core that is being used the least. For instance, if your computer has two CPU cores and first core is at 65% and second core is at 35%, then the software makes sure the application will run on the second core.
This feature allows applications to always have the most processing power available and instantly makes your computer run faster.

Chris-PC CPU Booster puts you in full control of your CPU by enabling those programs that need priority in CPU usage to perform faster and smoother against other applications that are not so demanding of the CPU.
Features :
Optimizes games, photo editing software, video production and any software that requires excessive processing power to run much faster than the software was originally designed for, without any hardware upgrade.
Background running: Once installed, started and configured, CPU Booster will run quietly without user interaction to boost your favorite applications.
Artificial Intelligence constantly switches the foreground application to use the least used processor core on multi-core computers, ensuring applications always have the most CPU power available to them.
Includes a processor benchmark test to get an evaluation on the stability of your computer and RAM memory.
Provides statistics for a complete overview on your computer performance while running the CPU Booster software.
Provides dynamic systray icon which displays the CPU usage in real time.
Simple and intuitive interface.

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