
PLAXIS MoDeTo CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4

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PLAXIS MoDeTo CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4
PLAXIS MoDeTo CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4 | 1.6 Gb

The PLAXIS development team is pleased to announce the availability of PLAXIS MoDeTo CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4 is a software package intended for the design of monopiles asfoundation elements for offshore wind turbines under lateral loading conditions.

New in PLAXIS MoDeTo CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4 – Release: September 2020

New and improved features
* improved regeneration for the design verification model, for cases where only the workload values are changed
* input tables in soil and calibration modes now accommodate copying and pasting of values
* improved visualization of the step changes at layer transactions on shaft depth variation function charts
* added functionality to import multiple soil reaction curves files in analysis mode
* improved algorithm for simplification of the curves that are exported to SACS
* added support for exporting pile base curves to SACS

Fixed issues
* fixed issue with loading projects that contained the number symbol (#) in the name
* fixed the initial mobilization value for the NGI-ADP model in over-consolidated clay (K0 > 1)

PLAXIS MoDeTo CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4

PLAXIS MoDeTo (Monopile Design Tool) is a PLAXIS-based specific tool providing anenhanced design methodology for monopile foundations under lateral loading. Monopiledesign can be performed efficiently by using one-dimensional (1D) finite element (FE)analyses of a laterally loaded pile. The adopted design methodology is based on the PIleSoil Analysis (PISA) joint industry research project.The monopile is modelled by means of the Timoshenko beam theory whereas the soilreaction is modelled using calibrated or user-defined soil reaction curves. The calibrationof the soil reactions is based on three-dimensional (3D) finite element calculations usingPLAXIS 3D. In addition to the 1D design analysis, the design tool facilitates thegeneration and calculation of the PLAXIS 3D models, and the derivation of the soilreactions based on the calculation results. A real installation site can be represented withfinite element models in PLAXIS 3D and a site-specific 1D model can be calibrated andused for the design of monopile foundations.

Bentley Systems is a software development company that supports the professional needs of those responsible for creating and managing the world’s infrastructure.

Product: PLAXIS MoDeTo (Monopile Design Tool)
Version: CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4 (
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.plaxis.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 1.6 Gb


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