
ShamanStems Organic Ambience And Textures 2 WAV-DISCOVER

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ShamanStems Organic Ambience And Textures 2 WAV-DISCOVER screenshotDISCOVER | 01/November/2020 | 5.03GB

Globetrotting through bustling European metropolises, medieval strongholds, Aegean seafronts, remote Transylvanian mountaintop hamlets, dense forests, ghoulish caves, frosty glaciers and muddy wetlands has allowed the ShamanStems team to amass a staggering collection of sound bites brimming with life and vigor.

With 2.5 + hours of original audio, this leviathan of a library picks up where Volume 1 left off, providing even more tools for music producers and sound designers alike, professionally recorded and edited to fit any type of audio project, be it games, TV, film, apps or ads.

……:::::: What’s In The Collection? ::::::……
• 44 Animals and Nature ambiences comprised of birds recorded in parks, wetlands, forests and mountaintops: crows, falcons, woodpecker, stints, owlets, seagulls, storks, plus lion roars, sheep bells, critters and crickets, dogs, cats, bats, farm animals, horse carriages and more.

• 120 Crowds and Places ambiences collected from charming boulevards, coquettish plazas, hectic streets and intersections, cheery parks, clapping crowds, kindergartens, highschools and college campuses, construction yards, historical reenactments, factories at night, supermarkets, malls, touristy medieval citadels, race-car rallies, football games, subway underpasses, drug stores and more.

• 69 Crunch and Rustle textures created by manipulating various objects such as banknotes, blisters, bubblewrap, cellophane, cigarette filters, cloth, dusters, egg shells, grains, leather, songe, tinfoil, baloons, books, various mechanisms, coins, glass, metal, plastic and rubber balls, plastic and wooden toys, umbrellas and more

• 32 Elemental textures featuring cave and glacier ambience, slime, gore, rivers, waterfalls, sea waves, winds, snow, sewers, AC fans, water drops, rain and gravel

• 17 Hums sparse drones perfect for sidechaining or adding an extra layer of warmth

• 282 Select Shots cut outs divided into claps, clicks, hats, perc, snap, shake, vox and miscellaneous

• 119 Select Sliced Loops short sliced up loop-like bits ranging from BPMs 83 to 189

……:::::: Note ::::::……
• The demo contains melodic loops not present in this pack, the library consists of field recordings only.

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
Format: (.WAVs)
• 044 x Animals And Nature Ambiences
• 120 x Crowds And Places Ambiences
• 069 x Crunch And Rustle Textures
• 032 x Elemental Textures
• 017 x Hums
• 282 x Select Shots
• 119 x Select Slices Loops
• 683 x Files In Total
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible


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