
Exelis ENVI 5.3.1

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ENVI——完整的遥感图像处理平台ENVI(The Environment for Visualizing Images)是美国Exelis Visual Information Solutions公司的旗舰产品。它是由遥感领域的科学家采用交互式数据语IDL(Interactive Data Language)开发的一套功能强大的遥感图像处理软件。它是快速、便捷、准确地从影像中提取信息的首屈一指的软件解决方案。今天,众多的影像分析师和科学家选择ENVI来从遥感影像中提取信息。ENVI已经广泛应用于科研、环境保护、气象、石油矿产勘探、农业、林业、医学、国防&安全、地球科学、公用设施管理、遥感工程、水利、海洋、测绘勘察和城市与区域规划等领域。

ENVI的背景创建于1977年的RSI(现为Exelis Visual Information Solutions公司)已经成功地为其用户提供了超过30年的科学可视化软件服务。目前ITT Visual Information Solutions的用户数超过200,000,遍布于80个国家与地区。

Exelis ENVI 5.x | 1.5 Gb

Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a developer geospatial image and data analysis software for extracting information from geospatial imagery and data, presents ENVI version 5.1, is products create the premier geospatial software foundation to process and analyze all types of imagery and data such as multispectral, hyperspectral, LiDAR, and SAR. They are designed to be used by everyone from GIS professionals to image analysts and image scientists, regardless of prior experience with imagery. All ENVI products integrate with ArcGIS® from Esri, are easily customized to meet your unique needs, and are backed by a robust community of users that crosses disciplines.

IDL is the trusted scientific programming language used across disciplines to extract meaningful visualizations out of complex numerical data.

Exelis Visual Information Solutions, formerly ITT Visual Information Solutions (ITT VIS), provides integrated software and services that help scientists, developers, image analysts, and medical professionals turn complex data into useful information.

Product: Exelis ENVI
Version: 5.3.1 *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.l3harrisgeospatial.com
Languages Supported: english
Size: 2.7 Gb



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