
Serif Affinity Publisher x64 Multilingual

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使用下一代专业出版软件 Affinity Publisher 将愿景变为现实。 该应用程序流畅直观得超乎想象,操作对象涵盖杂志、书籍、小册子、海报、报表和文具和其他创作,可结合图像、图形和文本,形成用于出版的美观的布局。


与我们广受赞誉的照片编辑和平面设计应用程序一样,全球成千上万专业人士通过不懈努力,为 Affinity Publisher 的发展做出了贡献,以满足 21 世纪设计师的需求。


使用最新最好的出版技术为布局赋能。Affinity Publisher 自成一家,摒弃了不必要或过时的功能,可以像最甜蜜的梦一样运行,即使是在内容最重的文档上也是如此。


借助母版页、对开跨页、网格、表格、高级排版、文本流和完整的专业打印输出和其他惊人功能,Affinity Publisher 可满足一切项目的完美布局的所有要求。

  • + 双页跨页
  • + 实时母版页,包括嵌套母版页
  • + 具有智能缩放选项的图像框
  • + 文本换行与精细填充控制
  • + 自定义形状的文本框
  • + 在文档中链接多个文本框
  • + 高级参考线、网格和对齐
  • + 表格和自定义表格格式


摆脱令人厌倦的传统文本布局的束缚。让 Affinity Publisher 帮助您以创造性的新方式可视化文本,并在文档中无缝流动。



OpenType 支持

打开最新 OpenType 字体的所有风格功能













File size: 523 MB
Fluid publishing powerhouse. Bring your vision to life with Affinity Publisher, the next generation of professional publishing software. From magazines, books, brochures, posters, reports and stationery to other creations, this incredibly smooth, intuitive app gives you the power to combine your images, graphics and text to make beautiful layouts ready for publication.

Engineered for advanced technology
Engineered with the same no-compromise vision as our acclaimed photo editing and graphic design apps, thousands of global professionals have contributed to the development of Affinity Publisher to meet the demands of the 21st century designer.

Pioneering performance
Superpower your layouts with the latest and greatest publishing technology. The refreshing lack of unnecessary or obsolete features in Affinity Publisher means it runs like the sweetest dream, even on the most content-heavy documents.

Spectacular layouts
With essentials like master pages, facing page spreads, grids, tables, advanced typography, text flow, full professional print output and other amazing features, Affinity Publisher has everything you need to create the perfect layout – whatever your project.

Text to match the power of your words
Free yourself from the constraints of tired, traditional text layouts. Let Affinity Publisher help you visualise your text in creative new ways and flow it seamlessly through your document.

Perfect graphics
Whatever the brief calls for, you can rely on Affinity Publisher to handle all the standard file types you’d expect, leaving you free to create the most ambitious, content-rich combination designs, pulling in raster or vector assets from multiple sources.

Fine tune your images
Ensure your images match the brilliance of your layout. Affinity Publisher comes with a full collection of powerful, non-destructive adjustment layers to make crucial image corrections right there in your document.

Advanced design tools
Create and edit vector graphics in your layout using the powerful pen, node and comprehensive shape tools – all with fine control over gradients and transparency.

Unrivalled compatibility
Import and export to all major raster and vector files, including layered PSD, PDF and EPS formats.

Full colour control
Affinity Publisher can handle RGB, LAB, greyscale and CMYK colour spaces, with advanced control over professional colour requirements for print.

Professional Output
Pantone support, end-to-end CMYK and ICC colour management are just part of it. You can also open, edit and output PDF/X files, set overprint controls and add bleed, trim and crop marks for press-ready output.

And so much more…
Here are just some of the other capabilities built into this incredible app…

Instant undo history
Instantly scrub through hundreds of undo steps with the history slider. Plus, save your history with your document.

Rotate canvas
Rotate your whole document by 90, 180 and 270 degrees.

Smart colour picker
Dedicated colour picker tool to accurately pick a colour, including single point or averaged sampling over an area.

Asset management
Create sets of regularly used assets which can be instantly accessed and dragged onto your project.

Transform panel
Precisely adjust an object’s position, size, rotation and shear.

Organisational tools
Organise your documents with the section manager and automatically generate indexes and a table of contents.

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