
Serif Affinity Photo x64 Multilingual

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Affinity Photo 比以往任何时候都更加快速、流畅和强大,并且它还将继续推动专业照片编辑软件的界限。借助专为创意和摄影专业人士设计的巨大工具箱,无论您是编辑和修饰图像,还是创建全面的多层构图,它都具备您所需要的全部功能和性能。


使用色阶、曲线、黑白、白平衡、HSL、阴影和高光以及通过十几种其他无损调整来修改和增强图像,这些调整可以即时预览,并且可随时编辑。Affinity Photo 还提供高级镜头校正和一流的降噪技术,使您可以完全控制,从而真正体现出图像的最佳效果。


无论您想快速修正,或花时间进行精细修饰,Affinity Photo 都有您需要的所有工具。除了减淡、加深、仿制、修补、斑点修复和红眼工具外,您还会发现神奇的图像修复画笔、频率间隔功能,以及内置的全套液化功能。

专用的 RAW 工作空间

在专用工作空间中开发相机 RAW 文件,在无界线性颜色空间中提供您需要的所有精确调整和校正功能。

EXIF & 元数据

带色调映射的 HDR 合并

通过将多个曝光包围合并为一个无界 32 位图像,单次拍摄获得不可能的细节。

  • 无限源图像
  • 色调映射
  • 从 RAW 合并
  • 自动对齐


使用 Affinity Photo 先进的选择精细化算法,达到您意想不到的精确程度。无论是裁剪对象、创建蒙版还是有选择性地应用调整,都可以轻松地进行极为精细的选择 — 即便是细化到单独的一缕缕头发也能轻松实现。

除了支持无限图层外,Affinity Photo 还提供完整的调整图层、图层效果和实时滤镜图层库,所有这些图层都可以进行分组、裁剪、遮罩或混合到一起用于创建极其复杂的照片构图。

PSD 导入/导出

直接在 Affinity Photo 中导入和编辑 Photoshop 文件,并保持调整、效果和图层完好无损。支持较大的 PSB 文件、Photoshop 插件和 ABR 画笔文件。





  • 推动
  • 扭转
  • 捏挤
  • 冲压
  • 紊流
  • 冻结
  • 解冻


Affinity Photo 带有种类繁多、完全可定制的高端滤镜,包括光照、模糊、扭曲、倾斜-偏移、阴影、发光等。但是真正让它与众不同的是,当您调整过滤器的属性时,总能实时看到结果的全分辨率预览。


使用超过 120 个专业设计的画笔,包括效果、鬃毛、干性画笔、墨水、标记、涂料等,进行绘画和素描。Affinity Photo 可与所有主要的绘图板兼容,并支持压力感应和画笔稳定功能,可实现超平滑自然的笔法。

  • 超过 120 个画笔
  • 画笔动态
  • 自定义画笔
  • 绘图板支持
  • 画笔稳定
  • .abr 画笔导入


借助 Affinity Photo 先进的拼接算法、自动图像对齐和全角度校正功能,每次都能制作出完美的全景。


熟练地合并以不同焦距拍摄的多个图像成就更大的景深。Affinity Photo 负责对齐并完成详细分析,以确定每个图像的最佳使用区域。



File size: 559 MB
Five years in the making, Affinity Photo redefines the boundaries for professional photo editing software. With a meticulous focus on workflow it offers sophisticated tools for enhancing, editing and retouching your images in an incredibly intuitive interface, with all the power and performance you need.

Engineered for professionals
Built on rock solid foundations with principles of performance, stability and lack of bloat, Affinity Photo is a professional photography tool to the very core.

Comprehensive RAW editing
Develop camera RAW files in a dedicated built-in workspace with all the processing adjustments and corrections you need.

Unsurpassed file compatibility
We’ve got the best PSD support out there, plus all the standards you’d expect including PNG, JPG, TIFF, EPS, PDF, and SVG.

Work in any color space
RGB, CMYK, LAB, Grayscale. End-to-end CMYK workflow with ICC color management, and 32-bit per channel editing.

Dedicated RAW editing workspace
Compatible with all major camera file formats, the Develop persona offers a dedicated processing workspace offering incredibly accurate editing in an unbounded linear color space.

Fast, customizable effects
Affinity Photo comes with a huge range of high-end filters including lighting, blurs, distortions, tilt-shift, shadows, glows and many more. Full control is given over every aspect of a filter’s properties with incredibly precise controls – all the while seeing a real-time live preview of the result. Best of all, filters can be applied as live layers, enabling you to edit, erase away, or mask effects after they have been applied.

Advanced adjustment layers
Correct and enhance images with Levels, Curves, Black and White, White Balance, HSL, Shadows and Highlights and over a dozen other adjustments that are previewed instantly and can be edited any time. Adjust, readjust, and drag and drop onto any layer, group, mask, or in any place in a stack to control how they’re applied.

Precise photo stitching
Affinity Photo’s stitching algorithm is one of the most advanced available. On top of accurate automatic alignment and perspective corrections, you get full control over each image and boundary in the composite to fine tune to perfection.

Extensive retouching tools
Whether you want to make quick corrections, or spend an hour on a detailed retouch, Affinity Photo has all the tools you need. That naturally includes dodge, burn, clone, patch, blemish, and red eye tools. But you’ll also find an incredibly accurate inpainting brush, frequency separation capability, and a full set of liquify features built-in.

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