
SQLPro Studio 2021.90 MacOS

MacOSX dsgsd 215浏览 0评论

SQLPro Studio 是一款非常强大实用优秀的 macOS 数据库客户端工具,该软件能够帮助用户快速轻松连接管理不同的数据库,适合开发者和学生们使用。

File size: 138 MB
SQLPro Studio is the premium database management tool for MySQL (and MariaDB), Postgres/PostgreSQL, Redshift, Microsoft SQL Server (2005 and above), Oracle (8i and above), SQLite and SnowflakeDB.

Some of the great features include:

+ Intellisense/SQL autocompletion.
+ Syntax highlighting with customizable themes (including dark).
+ Tabbed based interface for an optimal user experience.
+ Context aware database tree navigation, including quick access to tables, views, columns, indexes and much more!
+ SQL Beautifier/formatter.
+ Database wide searching.
+ NTLMv2 supported (but not required).
+ Netbios support.
+ Master password support for additional security.

Supported Operation Systems:
macOS 10.12 or later


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