
Maxon Cinema 4D v2023.0.1 x64

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为何使用Cinema 4D?

易用且强大:Cinema 4D是所有希望可以快速省心制作出令人屏息以待作品的3D艺术家的最佳工具包。初学者和经验丰富的专业人士可以利用Cinema 4D全面的工具和功能快速达到惊人的结果。Cinema 4D出色的稳定性也是快节奏3D生产线上完美的应用程序,以及具有一系列满足任何艺术家的价格吸引力。


当你能快速制作出色作品,是每个人初入3D世界时最令人兴奋的事!Cinema 4D直观易懂的操作与逻辑性界面使初学者能很容易找对地方和控制软件。即使是专业用户也对Cinema 4D的易用性赞不绝口。初学者还可通过无数的教程和全球性的专业社区进行学习,提升技能达到高水平。


Cinema 4D是我们用户日常工作流程中的中流砥柱。这就是为什么我们从一开始就确定新功能直观地工作,并正是位于用户期望找到它们的地方。Cinema 4D也可以轻易定制布局,适合用户的需求并保存供以后使用。


Cinema 4D以其卓越的稳定性著称。所有的新功能和新特性都会在发布前通过我们质检部门和测试团队的验证。我们也会定期推送服务包以不断完善Cinema 4D,同时快速地响应操作系统与驱动程序的更新!




从头至尾保持灵活性!无论你在哪一个项目工作,直到最后一分钟的变化都能保持灵活性非常重要。Cinema 4D提供了众多非破坏性选择:参数化建模、程序着色、纹理等等。Cinema 4D的场次系统可让你在一个文件中保存、管理同一场景的多个版本!

WiN x64 | File size: 1.07 GB

Cinema 4D is a professional 3D modeling, animation, simulation and rendering software solution. Its fast, powerful, flexible and stable toolset make 3D workflows more accessible and efficient for design, motion graphics, VFX, AR/MR/VR, game development and all types of visualization professionals. Cinema 4D produces stunning results, whether working on your own or in a team.

Cinema 4D 2023 brings standout features for all Cinema 4D users and integrates technology across the Maxon family. This release provides some of the most-wanted features among our artists – comprehensive modeling symmetry, in-place asset management and native OCIO support. Unified Simulations gain artist-friendly features and support for soft-body simulations. The latest update for Moves by Maxon makes it even easier to capture face and body movements. We’re bringing the best of Maxon technology together with integrations across Maxon One into Redshift, Red Giant, ZBrush and Forger.

With the new Unified Simulation System you can achieve more realistic-looking simulations that incorporate multiple objects with different simulation characteristics such as cloth, ropes and soft bodies. The Unified Simulation System allows simulations to be calculated on either the CPU or GPU and is highly multi-threaded, offering improved performance with complex cloth simulations.

Creating 3D objects has never been easier thanks to a broad collection of new procedural and interactive modeling tools. Automatically transform the topology of any mesh using ZRemesher. Create entirely new shapes with a bevy of powerful new interactive modeling tools, many of which can also be applied procedurally via Node Capsules. Advanced spline nodes power new capsule possibilities, while improved Vector Import support makes it easier than ever to work with Illustrator and SVG artwork.

Modeling with Symmetry allows mirrored changes on the model. Users can define the symmetry using the world grid, the object axis, a custom workplane, or even the topology of the model.

Powerful, Flexible Asset Management
The Asset Browser provides easy access to libraries of preset content stored locally or online, including a vast collection of 3D objects, materials and capsules available to Cinema 4D subscribers. The library can be browsed or searched, and each asset includes rich metadata and keywords. Assets are downloaded on-demand, so there’s no need to pre-download huge libraries of assets. They’re also cached on your local computer, so your favorite assets are immediately available for re-use.

OpenColorIO (OCIO) is an open-source color management system that allows users to easily manage their color throughout all stages of the production pipeline in a predictable and consistent way. In Cinema 4D, the Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) enables content creation without the limitations of small color spaces. If artists have OCIO installed, they can produce in ACES in current or future versions of Cinema 4D.

With Moves by Maxon for iPhone and iPad Pro you can capture facial and full-body movement, and instantly bring them into Cinema 4D. Whether you want to record your facial expressions or capture your best dance moves and martial art poses, Moves by Maxon is the perfect app.

GoZ (for GoZBrush) is a dynamic bridge between ZBrush and other 3D packages built around a specific file format, the GoZ file. In a single click, send your model from ZBrush to one of the supported applications. You can also send your maps to do a render, edit geometry, or add an element to your model. Then, send the updated items back to ZBrush, still in one click! GoZ works with different Tools or SubTools, visible or not.

With GoZ, you can use your time to work on your model, not managing your import and export.



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