
Aide PDF to DWG Converter 2023.0

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PDF to DWG Converter是一个功能强大的应用软件,可以帮助您批量转换的PDF文件到DWG格式。这种功能强大的计划将帮助您转换您的档案,以实用和可编辑的DWG格式或DXF文件快速,便捷地。

File size: 7.4 MB

Aide PDF to DWG Converter is a powerful windows program that will help you convert your PDF files to usable and editable DWG/DXF files quickly and easily. Outputs AutoCAD 2.5 to AutoCAD 2018 DWG/DXF, AutoCAD is not required.

Convert thousands of PDF files to DXF files in one easy step.
Batch convert all pages in each PDF file.
Extract embedded raster images from PDF files.
High Quality, High Performance, and Simple to use.
The full version (registered version) includes a bidirectional DXF/DWG Converter.
DXF (Drawing Interchange Format, or Drawing Exchange Format) is a CAD data file format, and it compatible with any popular CAD systems. It is for enabling data interoperability between AutoCAD and other CAD programs, and it is sufficient for AutoCAD and other CAD systems data exchange needs.
DWG is a binary file format used for storing two and three dimensional design data and metadata.


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