
2CAUDIO Galbanum Architecture Vol 01 KS For Kaleidoscope by CINEMATIQUE

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2CAUDIO Galbanum Architecture Vol 01 KS For Kaleidoscope by CINEMATIQUE screenshot.cpkg| 2.24 GB

Galbanum Architecture Vol 01 is a vast resource library for 2CAudio’s Kaleidoscope that is designed to help users get the most of Kaleidoscope.

It contains much of the content that was developed for the original MetaSynth format of this product, but in generic PNG, WAV, and TXT file formats that can be universally used with various applications. It also contains several thousand new images of various interesting classes that were not part of the original collection.

Total Files: 14,059. Images: 7,696. Tuning Scales: 4,545. Waveforms: 1,818.


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