
2BrightSparks SyncBackPro 11.2.5 Multilingual

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2BrightSparks SyncBackPro是一款备份同步软件,是一个先进的文件备份、恢复和同步工具。
SyncBackPro是SyncBack的增强版本,支持SFTP、CD/DVD,256 AES、邮件服务器、脚本等,可应用于在本地磁盘、网络磁盘、FTP、ZIP或可移动设备等环境。

SyncBackPro 一款简单易用的文件备份,恢复和同步工具,可以在本地磁盘,网络磁盘,ftp服务器,ZIP压缩包或者可移动存储设备中使用。全球有数十万的用户每天使用本软件备份自己的数据。具有以下的特性:打开文件设置拷贝锁;独创的FTP引擎;快速备份功能…等

SyncBackPro 可以说是目前功能最强、最完整且专业的备份及同步软件。
SyncBackPro 是一个档案备份及同步备份程式,它能与硬碟,重覆烧录 CD 及 DVD(使用 UDF 格式,抽取式媒体(如,快闪记忆体卡 Compact Flash)、FTP 伺服器、ZIP 档案、及网路共用等使用。

SyncBackPro 比起 SyncBackSE 及免费的 SyncBack 的大大增强版本。新特性包含,可复制已锁住的档案,更快的备份,聪明的同步,快速的压缩,更容易的档案夹及档案选择,及一个加强的FTP 引擎,可支援 SSL 及 Z 模式压缩。

File size: 110.2 MB

SyncBackPro is a professional and advanced backup, restore and Synchronization utility with lots of advanced features. With this backup utility you can copy any file whether it is locked or it is open which is normally not possible to copy in these conditions. But this feature work only on window XP or higher version of window.

Taking backup with SyncBackPro is a very fast process and it can process an unlimited number of files. It always keep your files of old versions as it support versioning and incremental backup to save the time and reduce the burden on the resources.

SyncBackPro has a powerful inbuilt FTP engine to take backup on any FTP site. It also provides you very high level of security with the AES 256-bit encryption. SyncBackPro comes with an automatic scheduler for automatic backup jobs. SyncBackPro has option to take backup to CD/DVD and even it has option to email the backup whether it is SMTP, POP3 or IMAP4. SyncBackPro have support for scripting n so you can use your own scripts to configure the program. This utility also has a compression tool to reduce the backup size of the files and to reduce the resources.

Backup to CD/DVD
Backup to CD/DVD with disk spanning (compression not required). SyncBackPro can also backup to an ISO image file which can be mounted as a virtual drive (using 3rd party software). SyncBackPro also performs automatic disk spanning, i.e. if your files do not fit onto the CD/DVD then it will split the files and continue onto another CD/DVD.

Backup To or Restore From an Email Server
SyncBackPro allows the user to backup or synchronize their files with an email server whether SMTP, POP3, or IMAP4 (not to be confused with synchronizing emails). This is similar to backing up via FTP, however the backup is made via an email server e.g. Gmail, Yahoo!, etc. SyncBackPro provides advanced customization of the settings that allow the user to define SMTP and POP3/IMAP4 server connection details like “Must use SSL/TLS connection”, “Direct SSL/TLS connection”, and includes the ability to create a custom email body instead of using the default.

Scripting Support
SyncBackPro allows the user to configure the program and profiles using their own scripts. Scripts are distinct from the core code of the application, which is written in a different language. Scripting is a way in which the functionality of SyncBackPro can be changed or extended. A script is a set of instructions and is similar to the macro support in Microsoft Office, and Java Script in web pages. SyncBackPro can use scripts written in any scripting language (supported by the Windows Scripting Host) that is installed on the computer…


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