
MacDrive Pro 11.0.9 x64

Windows dsgsd 96浏览 0评论

MacDrive Pro是一个可以让PC机在Windows环境下读取Mac磁盘格式(HFS+分区)的软件,最新版本已经支持了Windows 8操作系统!MacDrive是一个可以将 Mac OS 与 Windows 文件共享的软件.支持WindowsME/98/95/NT/4.0/2000/XP 与 Mac 系统文件交换 , 包括软盘、Zip、Jaz、CD-ROM、CD-R 以及硬盘驱动器等 . 可以通过该软件从Windows 直接访问 Mac 磁盘 . 打开、编辑、保存、复制文件,还支持在 Windows 下格式化 Mac 磁盘等 .

File size: 8.0 MB

Working in a multi-platform environment is a daily occurrence in schools, companies, in the studio, and on set. With MacDrive installed on your Windows PC, you can easily share files to and from APFS and HFS+ formatted internal drives, portable and desktop multi-bay drives, and even iPads. Regardless of the platform, you can read and write to the drive and then share those files. MacDrive gives you fully compatible and reliable out-of-this-world data sharing convenience………..

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