
Last Knight Rogue Rider Edition-PROPHET 末路骑士:一骑绝尘版

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      Toco Games 制作发行,虚幻引擎打造,玩家的坐骑是一匹布偶马,另外还带有一些枪术元素,画面梦幻十足,一共有六种场景,走得越远,越能看到精美的游戏画面,当然,游戏也越难。游戏有故事模式和随机生成的街机模式,玩家还可以自定义游戏角色以及购买特殊物品。


ast Knight is over-the-top jousting action in a beautiful brutal fantasy world! It comes with bucketloads of content and is inspired by outstanding third-person platformers like Crash Bandicoot.


  • OVER-THE-TOP JOUSTING! – Countless enemies had been shot, hacked and slashed in the history of games. Now it is time to ram a wooden lance in some gut, send your foes flying, and watch them bite the dust! Body parts ripping off, ragdoll horse physics, and destructive environments included.
  • A BEAUTIFUL BRUTAL WORLD – Dive into a magical fantasy world full of treasures and adventures! Don’t be fooled by the cartoony looks: here, simply bumping into a silly wooden fence spells a sudden end to your hero’s life. If you fancy dying in a more heroic way, how about getting swallowed by a giant toad, falling into a lava pit, exploding from eating too much turkey, getting impaled by a Hitler Snowman, or just getting lit on fire by a dragon!
  • BUCKETLOADS OF CONTENT – Divided into three major parts – the Story Mode, the Endless Journey Mode and the Rogue Rider Mode – this game has a lot to offer and there is always something new to accomplish, find, or unlock. Power-ups, characters, view modes, mutators, quests, game mode variations, randomly generated hats, you name it! Did you ever wish to be a skeleton king with a fancy wig riding over rainbows on a flower-pooping pink unicorn? It’s all up to you in this game!
  • INSPIRED BY CRASH BANDICOOT – Good third-person platformers were always hard to find on PC, when consoles sport countless shining examples: the first Crash Bandicoot titles, Spyro, Ratchet & Clank, and Super Mario were all a big inspiration for Last Knight. This game kicks it up a notch with non-stop jousting action, no-health instant death, procedurally-generated worlds, as well as custom-crafted levels with Knightmare levels in-between. To top it off, the new Rogue Rider Mode pushes it all into a rogue-like direction, and if you don’t like third-person view, try playing in first-person mode!

Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie
Publisher: Toco Games
Developer: Toco Games

Release Name: Last.Knight.Rogue.Rider.Edition-PROPHET
Size: 684 MB

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